“The marathon continues”: Baskets Bonn: After the Champions League is before the BBL playoffs

Status: 05/16/2023 5:44 p.m

As the newly crowned winner of the Basketball Champions League (BCL), Telekom Baskets Bonn will start the BBL playoffs on Wednesday with their first game against Chemnitz.

With a big grin, TJ Shorts stepped out of the team bus in Bonn on Monday. “I had goosebumps,” said the 25-year-old when he returned from Malaga in an interview with WDR. And center Leon Kratzer was just overflowing with euphoria: “It’s huge, just huge.” Scratches, shorts and the like were loudly welcomed by numerous supporters on the Hardtberg in Bonn.

Bonn first beats Malaga, then Jerusalem

With The Baskets beat Hapoel Jerusalem 77:70 in the final of the BCL Final Four on Sundayafter beating hosts Malaga in the semifinals on Friday.

“For thousands of Bonners basketballfans, a dream is coming true today,” said Bonn’s President Wolfgang Wiedlich shortly after the final whistle. Winning the Champions League, like the prize money of one million euros, comes at the right time for Bonn. The club faces an uncertain future, main sponsor Telekom has announced its exit for 2024. In Bonn, it is hoped that the first title in the club’s history could make the group rethink.

Winning a title is also a whole new experience for the entire squad and the coaching team. “I avoided titles like the plague. It means a lot to me to win something for the first time. I didn’t even dare to dream of such a success,” said coach Tuomas Iisalo.

Shorts leads Bonn to the title with 29 points

The title is the logical consequence of an outstanding Bonn season – nationally and internationally. “These are emotions that I’ve never known before,” said TJ Shorts, who was relieved shortly after the end of the game on Sunday: “These are the moments that every basketball player lives for. We’ve been working for this since August.”

The 25-year-old, who came from Crailsheim in the summer, is having an outstanding season. His predecessor Parker Jackson-Cartwright – after all, MVP of the past BBL main round – was quickly forgotten by Shorts.

Having fun playing basketball and its unbelievable dynamic, Shorts was able to make his mark from game one at the Bonn game. “I’m just playing the game I love and I’m just grateful for it,” says the point guard, who was named MVP of the BBL main round, the BCL main round and the Final Four. With his quick first move, Shorts was unstoppable over the weekend, recording 21 points against Malaga on Friday and 29 points in the final against Hapoel.

Iisalo brought Shorts to Bonn in the summer

Bonn’s TJ shorts with the Champions League trophy

Shorts also agree that shortly after the greatest triumph of his career he distracts himself from his person and points to others: “Tuomas Iisalo laid the foundation in August. He made it very clear what he wanted to achieve with us. And now we are here and win the Champions League,” Shorts emphasizes his coach, who is responsible for Shorts wearing the magenta shirt.

After Iisalo had twice tried unsuccessfully to sign Shorts, the two finally found each other last June: “In the summer I called him and said: ‘I’m stupid, but not that stupid. Don’t make me make the same mistake three times in a row ‘” said the Bonn coach at the press conference after winning the title: “We both had the feeling that if we join forces and build the right team around us, then we can shock the world.”

BBL playoffs start for Bonn on Wednesday

At least Europe has Telekom Baskets Bonn shocked. Next up is the German Beletage in the playoffs of the BBL. “The marathon goes on, I’ll keep running this race,” Shorts describes the next few weeks. With 32 wins from 34 games, Bonn finished the main round as the dominant table leader.

  • Playoffs, Quarterfinals
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On Wednesday (7 p.m.) the Baskets will receive Niners Chemnitz, who finished the main round in eighth place, in a sold-out hall in the first playoff quarter-final game. Bonn only narrowly won the two main round games against Chemnitz (plus seven and plus two).
