The map of etiquette in the world, each country has its own etiquette

PFor the Italians, putting Parmesan cheese on pizza, blowing your nose with your fingers, making noises when eating, the typical pulling up the broth, they are considered actions that do not respect a certain bon ton. But these same things in other countries are considered absolutely normal. Quite the contrary, it is considered impolite not to do them.

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Bon ton in the world: what to do and not to do

We know it: the country you go to, the custom you find. And that’s the beauty of it. Traveling, however, it can happen to run into involuntary “errors” caused precisely by the differences between the habits and conventions of the various places. For those who want to repair and deepen it exists an original mapmade by Remitly, a UK money transfer company, created by examining Google search results for phrases like “etiquette” around the world.

Who eats with their hands and who ever

In it are shown the rules of the various etiquette in use in the world, i.e. what to do and what not to do to perhaps avoid a bad impression or something worse. And so it turns out, for example, that tacos in Mexico are always eaten with your hands while in Norway eating any food with your hands is terribly rude.

Never ask for salt at the table in Egypt

It turns out that in China you should never turn the fish over on your plate because it is believed to bring bad luck. And again that in Egypt and Portugal, asking for salt at the table is very impolitebecause it means offending the chef who obviously didn’t cook well.

The burp at the end of the meal is fine

Among the other “curious” rules, the one of pretending to spit at a bride in Greece stands out. Or, the British one to pass the Port, the liqueur, always on the left. Another action of great lack of respect for the Italians is burping at the end of the meal, which is not at all rude in Iceland and Senegal where instead it is considered a compliment to the chef.

Never miss karaoke in South Korea

In Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Kenya and Uruguay it’s not rude to be late, it is instead in Poland, Singapore and Sweden. In South Korea it is rude when hosting friends not to include a good karaoke performance in the evening, it is equally rude not to accept more than three cups of tea or coffee from a guest in Yemen.

