The management of a Sabadell school resigns en masse after complaints from families about the low educational level

The address of the Andreu Castells school in Sabadell (Vallès Occidental) has taken the block drop after the repeated complaints from families for him low educational level from the center. As Catalunya Radio announced this Wednesday and sources from the aFFaC family association have confirmed), the loss of the three members of the management of the public center has led to the Department of Education to take control of the school. Educational inspection will take charge from the center provisionally.

Educació assumes the management of the Andreu Castells center on a provisional basis

He conflict between families and management of the school dates back to 2019, the year in which AFFaC began monitoring the case, after receiving complaints from parents about the low level of education they considered their children were receiving.

From aFFaC they explain that the families are at a “critical point” in which “they have lost confidence in the management” and “any patch that is put on is no longer useful.”

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Added to the feeling of “very low educational level” are the bad forms of treating the families by the management, as a mother from the school, Verónica Calvo, explained to Catalunya Radio.

The families had already demonstrated to demand the resignation of the management. In recent weeks, a group of former teachers who have signed a statement regretting the lack of a pedagogical project at the school.
