The man who drove Nicki Minaj’s father to death goes to prison for a year

Nicki Minaj’s father Robert Maraj passed away in February 2021 in a car accident.

John Angelillo/UPI/Shutterstock

In 2021, Iltalehti reported on an incident in which rap musician Nicki Minaj’s father was killed after being hit by a car in the United States.

64 years old Robert Maraj died of his injuries in the hospital. The person driving the accident car on New York’s Long Island fled the scene and did not stay to help the injured Maraj.

Now the TMZ site is tellingthat caused the accident Charles Polevich has been convicted. The prosecutor tried to get Polevitch behind bars for a total of seven years, but the judge sentenced the man to only one year in prison.

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The man is accused of manslaughter and attempted to destroy evidence. Polevich reportedly hid his vehicle on purpose right after the accident. He also did not report his act to the police immediately, but reported to the police only five days after the incident.

In addition to the one-year prison sentence, the man loses his driver’s license for six months, and has to pay a fine of 5,000 dollars.

Minaj has reportedly not commented on Polevich’s sentence publicly, but has previously said that her father’s passing was the most shocking loss of her entire life.
