The makers of Kumman kaa never agreed to a plot pattern that was repeatedly suggested

Actor Heli Sutela talks about the question of principle in an interview with Anna magazine.

From Heli Sutela, the dieting culture is problematic. Riitta Heiskanen

Actor Heli Sutela, 54, talks about his relationship with appearance in the new Anna. In the actor’s childhood home, appearance was never a topic of conversation, but self-esteem grew strong by praising other features.

Sutela says that she sees the idealization of losing weight as a social problem.

– Dieting culture is one way to control women. Let’s try to define what a woman should look like. And that is problematic, says Sutela.

This is what he thought already at the beginning of the 2000s, when his and Minna Koskelan written and starred in Which one? – hit series drew viewers to the screen. No one lost weight in any episode. Although the topic was suggested to the authors many times, they relied on the question of principle.

Even today, Sutela does not want to talk about weight. Instead, Raisa Omaheimon Solutions for fats -work opened his eyes to how far we still are from equality.

– Let everyone be as they are. I just happen to be the type that tends to return to my own weight. It’s not like that for everyone, says Sutela.

The Kumman kaa series became very popular in the early 2000s. Second season director Lauri Nurkse posed with Minna Koskela and Heli Sutela in Nelonen’s fall info in 2004. Kari Pekonen

The Kumman kaa series won the 2004 Telvis award for the best drama program. After the end of the series, the lives of Swedish teacher Anne (Sutela) and school nurse Ellu (Koskela) were also followed on a tour starring the main actors.

The 20-year-old series has been renewed on television numerous times over the years.

Source: Give it
