The majority of the candidates for the Congress and the Senate of the PSOE Teruel resign en bloc

The candidates for Congress for the PSOE in the province of Teruel Sonia Palacio, Joaquín Noé, Ana María Sales and Yolanda Salvador and the candidates for the Senate Silvia Gimeno, Isel Monclús, José Edo and Victoria Sánchez have expressed their intention to resign from the lists “for not sharing the decisions of the Federal Committee”.

The PSOE of the province of Teruel has issued this Sunday a release making public this decision, taken after the celebration in the town of Utrillas of an Extraordinary Provincial Committee, due to “the latest events derived from the approval of the candidacies for Congress and the Senate.”

The participants in the Committee have shown their “disappointment“because the lists have finally been modified”without taking into account the proposal of the groups and of the highest representative bodies of the province, despite the prior consultation carried out with the federal leadership,” the statement explained.

In fact, “this consultation already meant the exclusion of Ignacio Urquizu from the Congress listprecisely with the aim of avoiding public confrontations and despite having been one of the majority options of the militants”, indicate socialist sources.

The PSOE of Teruel assures not being able to accept “that the Turolense militancy is considered second-rate” and he rejects the distinctions “based on personal affinities, especially when he has not known the justification that promotes the changes, as requested by the PSOE Statutes themselves.”

The Committee assumes that the changes in the lists are legitimized by those Statutes, but vindicates the condition of the PSOE Teruel “living and dynamic party that refuses to play a secondary role, and understands and supports the complaints and personal decisions of those who have been affected by these changes.

The statement explains that other members of both candidacies have already announced that they will follow the same path, such as Tomás Montero and Fernando Safont.

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Teruel’s socialists believe that this type of decision “can cause discouragement among the militants”, although they encourage “to face the next electoral appointment together and with all the strength of the party.”

However, they ensure “the total commitment of all the socialists in the province, who are going to give their all in the electoral campaign convinced that the PSOE is the best option for the future of Spain, Aragon and Teruel.”
