the macro-concerts can already be seen thousands of kilometers away

In Barcelona, ​​believe me, this Saturday four Korean tourists were seen enjoying a concert in a cinema that had been held hours before in Buenos Aires. The culprits of this pilgrimage that unites three continents are the British band Coldplay, which today screened in theaters around the world one, the third, of his ten! recitals in the Argentine capital, at the Monumental stadium. And, well, in the case of the aforementioned Korean tourists, the announced appearance on the scene of Jin, a member of the K-pop group BTS, must also have had something to do with it, which has taken the public to another level of fanaticism (decibels and crying everywhere in Buenos Aires).

Thus, the macroconcerts, those shows that are usually followed through giant screens placed around a stage hundreds of meters from your town, can now be followed from much further away: thousands of kilometers away.

ten rooms

This has happened today in almost a dozen movie theaters in Barcelona and in some 3,500 around the world. Specifically, in 75 countries, numbered one by one -starting with the ‘a’ of Andorra- by the leader of Coldplay, the always smiling Chris Martin, in one of his first talks. At the Bosque de Gràcia cinema (tickets at 15 euros, a price that may well be worth a live concert), the canned musical show -in part of the world it has been in ‘streaming’, but here not due to a time issue- More than fifty people have gathered at siesta time. Yes, quite a few more than in other rooms of the multiplex at four in the afternoon on a Saturday in the middle of a bridge.

The session begins with the curious ‘fun’ of waiting for a concert to start, seeing people waiting for a concert to start on the other side of the world.. Although the ‘show’ starts fast, the sound hesitates at first but recovers and the spectators pick up a good rhythm: already in the fifth song a good handful of people get up to dance ‘Viva la vida’. What things are seen in the cinema!

Videos and selfies

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They also sing, applaud and make videos and selfies for social networks of those “I was there” (I was at the Bosque cinema, specifically). And they talk, of course, something that often happens at live concerts. Meanwhile, in Buenos Aires, at the River Plate stadium, the public, devoted to Chris Martin and to his requests, takes advantage of the slightest pause to shout “Argentina, Argentina” in unison. Each one, in his role. Martin, by the way, takes the opportunity to ask that people leave their phones in their pockets during a song.

The show that Coldplay will take to Barcelona in May (four ‘shows’ in total) is -beware, a minimum ‘spoiler’- the festival of the led lights (attendees wear smart bracelets that light up to match the song played) , the fireworks, the confetti (in the second one there is already confetti everywhere) and the messages of love and goodness. ‘Everybody is an alien somewhere’ (“everyone is an alien somewhere”), Martin and the rest of the band wear on the shirt. All this is a consistent conglomerate on the screen that means that during the more than two hours that the concert lasts, more than 10,400 kilometers away, one does not think much that it is time for another coffee.
