The low-income Mirva imaginatively runs the daily life of a family with children

Performing in the latest episode of the Wealthy and Moneyless program, Mirva lacks the ingenuity to run the daily lives of a low-income family.

Mirva Vähä-Pietilä with her children. NELONEN MEDIA

Nelonen is the newest hump resident of the Rich and Moneyless program Mirva Vähä-Pietilä to exchange economies with a business couple from Forsso.

Vähä-Pietila, who is on parental leave from the seller’s work, has two small children with whom he lives in a detached house in Humppila.

However, a mother with a tight family does not put a finger in her mouth, as stretching a penny has always been familiar.

– I have learned a frugal lifestyle.

The loan for a house acquired in one’s own ownership is on parental leave during parental leave.

Income currently consists of home care allowance, housing allowance, child allowance and alimony payments.

– I’ve never been particularly good, he adds to TV cameras.

The inventive Vähä-Pietilä often orders food from lost food stores, as well as engaged in the exchange economy.

– I have set up the Savers and Pennies group on Facebook, Vähä-Pietilä says.

The group distributes tips on affordable housekeeping, and organizes clothing invitations in which each participant brings in unnecessary clothing for barter with others.

– I take the rest to recycling and charity, says Vähä-Pietilä, who founded the group.

There is no need to waste money, but there is a must for money.

– A car is a necessity when living in the countryside.

Mirva took the children to the restaurant. NELONEN MEDIA

The hobby of farming takes food production to its primary sources

In addition to the exchange economy, Mirva is engaged in small-scale farming on the land of her household.

In the yard is an old window ghost he got for free from Facebook’s Roskalava group. They are to be used to build a greenhouse.

Vähä-Pietilä hopes that the cultivation of the primary sources of food production will make children think:

– They will get to know where the food comes from and what they have to do in front of it, Vähä-Pietilä adds.

In the yard also stands a stack of bricks found free, which give new life as a barbecue in the backyard of a home.

– Or as a garage floor, more from the family.

The Rich and the Penniless in Nelonen and Ruudussa. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide
