The low emissions zone slows the aging of Barcelona’s vehicle fleet

The Barcelona City Council already detailed in the previous mandate that the low emissions zone (ZBE) has eliminated 610,000 polluting trips. It does not mean that there are 300,000 fewer vehicles (each unit makes a minimum of two movements), because the metropolitan mobility has even increased, especially in the rounds. But it does mean that the balance of environmental dirt is beginning to level, to the point that what the EU demands is finally met. That is, the same cars pollute less. because they are cleaner thanks to the restrictions of the environmental umbrella. According to data from the council, the age of vehicle fleet It has barely changed between 2016 and 2022: from 10.5 to 11.2 years, while in the State as a whole it has gone from 12 to 13.9 years.

The data was provided this Wednesday by the first deputy mayor and head of Urban Planning, Laia Bonetwho has shared his satisfaction with some records that demonstrate “the positive impact of the ZBE on air quality”. In the details of the environmental labels issued by the DGT there are also clues to the effect that the invention has had on mobility actors. According to the data collected by the cameras that control the perimeter prohibited to cars without a badge, there are already more cars with an ECO label (24.7%) than with yellow B label (18.1%). 52% brandish the green color (hybrids), 4% have the ‘zero’ (100% electric) and only 1.2% circulate without a sticker and in order to enter they would have to ask for the corresponding permit.

The European standard

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All this has a clear translation in relation to pollution: the NO levels2 registered in the air quality monitoring stations indicate that this 2023 will be met, for the first time, with the limits set by the European Union (40 micrograms per cubic meter), including that of Eixample, which is usually the dirtiest of all. It remains to be seen how the city manages to go down to the new level in 2030. ceiling raised by the European Parliament20 micrograms per cubic meter (the World Health Organization reduces it to 10, but its opinion is not binding).

The war against bad fumes is leaving good news. But less pollution does not mean there are fewer cars. According to data from the council, reported by this newspaper last April, travel within the city has been reduced by 11%, but Dalt’s Round assumes 8% more. That is to say, the policies of shrinking the large arteries (loss of lanes) have had an effect and the people who wants to cross the Catalan capital It no longer does it inside, but through the perimeter roads. That there are 11% fewer movements in the neighborhoods can also lead to a certain deceptionbecause in many streets that now have fewer lanes for private vehicles more congestion is recorded. In short, a city a bit cleaner but still clogged.
