The Long Night on Rai 1: plot of the first episode, previews, cast

TO a few weeks away from The Fenoglio method, Alessio Boni returns to TV (tonight at 9.30pm on Rai 1) with the series The long night – the fall of the Duce by Giacomo Campiotti, in which he plays Dino Grandi, president of the Camera dei Fasci. He was the man who, sensing that Mussolini’s end was near, in night between 24 and 25 July 1943 he established the Grand Council, sanctioning the fall of fascism.

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The historical series, which unfolds like a thriller – between ambushes, murders, secret alliances, ambushes and betrayals – tells what happened in the three weeks preceding that historical date. AND it doesn’t just focus on Dino’s characterbut also on Prince Umberto I and his wife Maria Josè, above Edda Ciano and Clara Petaccidaughter and lover of the Duce, and on many other characters who move between the palaces of power and the streets of Rome.

The long night – The fall of the Duce: plot of the first episode

Rome, 24 July 1943, three years after the declaration of World War II. Dino Grandi (Alessio Boni), president of the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations, leaves a letter to wife Antonietta (Ana Caterina Morariu): the situation is serious, the Grand Council aims to remove the Duce. Dino is ready to do anything (he carries two hand grenades in his pocket) to make Mussolini capitulate (Duccio Camerini).

But before that historic event the director of the series turns back the clock three weeks. What happened? Furio Niccolai (Maurizio Donadoni), Grandi’s old comrade in arms, is arrested at the behest of the Duce and beaten. Dino puts a patch on it. Why blame a war hero? “The army is ready to put an end to Mussolini: Mussolini failed – Nicola says to his friend Dino – open your eyes. We must make peace with the Anglo-Americans and if Benito doesn’t want it, the army and the King must take care of it.” Nicolai will be killed leaving his son Italo (a fictional figure) and his wife alone.

During the delivery of the collar of the Annunziata Order, Dino talks about the delicate situation Vittorio Emanuele III of Savoy, King of Italy: the Duce must be convinced to convene the Great council of fascism to make it legitimately capitulate. But how can you convince him if he hasn’t been called up for four years? “We will have to convince 28 hierarchs”, Dino is convinced. Mussolini from Palazzo Venezia senses that the President of the Chamber he has a plan in mind to hit him from behind: at that point he orders his secretary to arrest him and punish him in an exemplary manner. Meanwhile the allies landed in Sicily.

Benito Mussolini’s women

Neither The long night – the fall of the Duce you don’t just deal with political and palace intrigues. They hang around those places too many women important. Edda Ciano (Lorenza Guidone), Benito’s eldest daughter and wife of Galeazzo Ciano, lives in a stormy and up-and-down marriage, her passion is poker. Her relationship with her father is animated by feelings of contrast to her history with the lover Clara Petacci (Martina Stella).

Clara is a seductive, sharp and ruthless woman. As a young woman, she was sacrificed by her family, who pushed her into the arms of the Duce to aim for a social climb. She is torn between a form of subjugation to her mother and a real love for her “Ben”, whose charm and power he undergoes. And then there’s Benito’s wife, Rachel.

Alessio Boni. (Rai press office)

The ensemble cast of the series The long night – the fall of the Duce

There are many characters that animate the series. In addition to Dino Grandi and his wife Antoinetteal Duce, played by an excellent Duccio Cameriniand its women, there are the royals. Umberto I of Savoy (Flavio Parenti) is the future heir to the thronebut is subdued by his father Victor Emmanuel III (Luigi Diliberti). His position oscillates between awe and the desire for revenge.

Martina Stella and Duccio Camerini. (Rai press office)

Much more determined is the wife Maria Josè of Belgium, princess of Piedmont (Aurora Ruffino) who encourages her husband to take some responsibility as a future rulerespecially in such a delicate moment for the country. Maria José understands the gravity of the situation.

It will be she who, without her husband’s knowledge, meets the ambassador to Portugal and a representative of the Vatican to negotiate a separate peace with the Anglo-Americans, in the name of the House of Savoy and of Italy. «She wanted to become Queen to look after her people – says the actress – She wasn’t just a mother of four children. The people were another child to look after.”

Italo and Beatrice, two fictional characters

Two fictional characters were also included in the story. Italo Niccolai (Riccardo De Rinaldiis) he is the son of Furio, a long-time friend of Dino Grandi. He is a young infantry sergeant major recalled to the front as soon as the allies landed in Sicily.

After his father’s death at the hands of the fascists he approached the first fringes of violent opposition to the regime. He falls in love with Beatrice (Emma Benini), granddaughter of Dino and Antoniettaarrived in Rome from Cremona. She too will lose her head for Italodespite the difference in social rank.

