The long-awaited finale of Survivors came to an end

It was not possible to log in to the Ruutu streaming service earlier on Sunday evening.

The final of the survivors was interrupted. Four

Regarding Sanoma’s communication, Iltalehte is told that the Ruutu streaming service and Sanoma’s other media services are working again. The services had a login problem on Sunday evening. The technical problem lasted for about two hours.

Survivors Finland -the long-awaited finale of the program unfortunately took place at Nelose during the disruption. The problem was only fixed right after the final. You cannot watch programs on the screen without logging in.

– We apologize for the inconvenience caused to users of the services and viewers of Survivors, Sanoma says.

Viewers of the show were upset about it earlier on Sunday and vented their feelings on social media.

The Survivors Finland competition culminated on Sunday with Sonja Aiello, Teemu Roivanen and between Tytti Junna. The final decision of the competition can be found in this story.

The contestants of the Surviving Suomi program talk about their luggage in a video.
