The lion’s number one goalkeeper found: “Olkinuora is number one”

Teemu “Härski” Hartikainen has not opened his goal account yet.

The Lions will continue their journey towards the World Cup medal games. Saturday’s 3–0 victory over Austria means that Finland is number one or number two in its group.

Jussi Olkinuora played the Lions Goal Zero Again. Only one hit has been made behind the man in four games.

Editor of Iltalehti Pekka Jalosen according to the Lions’ number one goalkeeper is now clear.

– Olkinuora is the first goalkeeper of this team. Still, it will be interesting to see which one plays against the Czech Republic on Tuesday. If Olkinuora does not play, he will end up in the cold semi-finals after a long break. That’s why I think he’s playing.

The number one chain Teemu Hartikainen has not yet opened his tournament goals account.

Watch the video Timo Kunnarin and Pekka Jalonen’s discussion on the Lions’ affairs.

Olkinuora has become the number one guard of the Lions. Jussi Saarinen
