The LGTBI+ vote messes up the electoral polls: PSOE and Unidas Podemos would govern and Cs would survive

04/20/2023 at 15:45


He is less mobilized than the average of the general population: only 41% will safely go to the polls in the national elections, compared to 54.5% of the rest of the voters, according to a 40dB survey

The LGTBI+ collective would not vote like the Spanish population as a whole. Nearly one in three people in this population group would opt for he PSOE (27.8%) and 22.6% for United We Can, compared to 26.4% for the Socialists and 12.3% given by the general statistic in the March 40dB survey for The country and the BEING.

According to the first survey conducted by 40dB for the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans, Bisexuals, Intersex and more (FELGTBI+), the voters of the collective, who estimate between 2.6 and three million people, 19.6% would vote for the PP; 7.1% to Vox; 4.8% to Ciudadanos, which would practically double its result with respect to the intention of the general vote, of 2.5%; and 9.9% to other parties.

Cs presents itself as the “refugee party for the right-wing gay”, which presents more reluctance to vote for PP and Vox, maintains the Secretary of Organization of the LGTBI + State Federation, sociologist and political scientist, Ignacio Paredero. This is due, he says, to the fact that the oranges, who would get four seats if only the LGTBI + collective voted, are “the ones who insult them the least.”

LGTBI+ voting intention, according to the 40dB survey for FELGTBI+. | FELGTBI+

From the 800 interviews with the people who have participated in this survey, 40dB has concluded that “there would be leaks from the PP to the PSOEsomething that is not being seen in the general vote”, as well as from the Socialist Party to Unidas Podemos, partly thanks to the approval of the trans law, as indicated this Thursday at a press conference by Víctor Pérez-Guzmán, an analyst at data from this research agency.

“The experience of being LGTBI+ determines how you are going to vote because your rights are at stake” above other factors, Ignacio Paredero has indicated. He also justifies that the group prioritizes the vote to those parties that take measures and approve laws that affect them, despite the fact that they are ideologically located in another political stratum.

Vote estimate of the LGTBI+ collective by seats. | FELGTBI+

The LGTBI+ collective accounts for between 7% and 8% of the population, a figure that rises to 20% in the case of Spaniards between 18 and 24 years of age. This group, according to the 40dB survey, is less mobilized than the average of the general population: only 41% will safely go to the polls in the national elections, compared to 54.5% of the rest of the voters, according to a 40dB poll. The State Federation highlights that the probability of going to vote for people in the Vox-affiliated group is almost 40 points lower than that of the general population.

The voters of Unidas Podemos are the most committed to the collective: 55.8% state that they are quite or very involved with LGTBI+ rights. For their part, those of the PSOE follow them closely, with a percentage nine points below, 46.2. These two positions confront that of the 65% of Vox voters who show no commitment to this issue.

Commitment of the collective with LGTBI+ rights. | FELGTBI+

Assessment of the Trans Law

In this survey, those surveyed have reflected their general appreciation of the trans law. Note that they are PSOE voters who value this norm more positively33.0%, compared to 31.4% for Unidas Podemos, 23.2% for the PP, 15.8% for Vox and 7.7% for Ciudadanos, which has the same percentage of supporters as the regards very negatively.

Only 2.7% of Socialist voters consider that this law, promoted by Irene Montero and which the PSOE is trying to correct this Thursday in Congress hand in hand with the PP, values ​​it very negatively. Vox and PP are the parties that present a higher percentage of supporters who estimate it to that extent, 23.7% and 15.9%, respectively.

Assessment by parties of the LGTBI+ collective of the trans law. | FELGTBI+
