The Lemonheads: “Come On Feel The Lemonheads” (Review & Stream)

Former post-punker Evan Dando made a lot of money from the success of the pop album It’s A Shame About Ray. He got a lot more money to record the next record – and spent a lot of it on drugs. In any case, he took his time. For ideas. Which became concepts. Which didn’t always lead to good results. Dando checked off his wish list. He’s a fanboy of the GoGo’s, got Belinda Carlisle as co-singer (“I’ll Do It Anyway”) and found his real “drug buddy” in Rick James, whom he hired for “Rick James Style”, to which he sang: “I don’t wanna get stoned.” He then recorded the song again, without James: “Style”. “Come On Feel…” was an appeal to relive his trip – but to be perfect, the work should have contained only ten of the 15 songs.

The highlight is the new arrangement of “Favorite T”

Far more convincing are Dando’s attempts to imagine middle-class life including divorce (“It’s About Time”), but also nomadism (“You Can Take It With You”), and once he pretends to be gay (“Big Gay Heart “). In the short comedy “Being Around” he is completely with himself, in which he would like to find a thousand reasons not to be kicked out, not by his loved ones, but also not by the world from which he did not want to hide his antics: “If I was your body, would you still wear clothes?/ If I was a booger, would you blow your nose?”

The label still believed that indie rock’s unstable poster boy would be able to stay on top of the decade. That Dando with “Into Your Arms”, originally by Love Positions, after “Luka” and “Mrs. Robinson” for the third time released a happy-go-lucky cover version as a pre-single from an album, should support the claim. The 30th anniversary edition contains a number of demos and outtakes such as “Frying Pan” and “He’s On The Beach” on two LPs or two CDs. The highlight is the new arrangement of “Favorite T”: The acoustic guitar version becomes the better, electric version with band.


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This unbroken belief in the better

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