The Left leader wants to preserve the Bundestag faction as much as possible

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – According to party leader Martin Schirdewan, the Left is trying to preserve its parliamentary group, at least temporarily. After ten MPs led by former parliamentary group leader Sahra Wagenknecht left the party, Schirdewan again called on Monday for them to give up their mandates. Otherwise this would be a “highly immoral theft” of the seats. If other left-wing politicians could move up to the Bundestag, the existence of the parliamentary group could be secured.

In the event that Wagenknecht and her nine supporters do not comply with the request, Schirdewan did not rule out that those who left would remain in the group until the end of the year. This is about the continued employment of the more than 100 group employees, as Schirdewan made clear. “The interest of the employees in this group is a matter close to our hearts.”

Wagenknecht and her supporters confirmed on Monday that they would found their own party at the beginning of 2024 and that they would leave the Left. If they leave the group with their mandates, it would be too small and could only continue as a group. This would have fewer rights and less money in parliament, so that employees would have to be laid off.

Schirdewan had already sharply criticized the founding of the party. Now he said he was personally disappointed with some of Wagenknecht’s colleagues who had not communicated openly in advance. For the left, the end of the dispute with Wagenknecht is also an opportunity. She will advise on consequences and recruit new members. The Left’s participation in government remained intact, and the party also had thousands of local politicians.

Regarding competition or future cooperation with the new Wagenknecht party, he said: “Now we’ll see whether they can get something done or not.”/vsr/DP/ngu
