The left calls for the right to work from home, especially if there is a high risk of corona

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Linke boss Susanne Hennig-Wellsow has asked the federal government to leave the possibility of working from home, especially for employees with high corona risks. “The right to work from home, announced by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil but not yet exercised, should be implemented, especially for people who have a higher risk of developing a serious illness,” said Hennig-Wellsow on Thursday of the German Press Agency in Berlin.

The federal and state governments had decided on Wednesday to abolish the home office regulations that were mandatory due to the pandemic from March 20th. Employers should, under certain circumstances, continue to offer home office in agreement with the employees.

The Left Chairwoman said: “The protection against infection is privatized and, in case of doubt, dumped on the shoulders of the citizens.” At the same time, the economy is being treated with kid gloves. However, profit should not take precedence over health protection.

In the coalition agreement, the SPD, Greens and FDP announced: “Employees in suitable activities are entitled to be discussed about mobile working and home office.”/bw/DP/eas
