The law firm does not find any problematic donors for the city palace

The Humboldt Forum

The reconstruction of the castle was also financed by donations Photo: Ufuk Ucta

By Hildburg Bruns and Michael Zöllner

According to BZ information, the investigation of the donors for the rebuilt Berlin Palace by the law firm Peter Raue has been completed. No other problematic names were found.

In 2021, right-wing extremist and anti-Semitic statements by a donor, the lawyer and banker Ehrhardt Bödecker (1925-2016), became known. At the request of the family, Bödecker’s medal of honor was removed from the castle portal.

Wilhelm von Boddien, Chairman of the Berlin City Palace Friends’ Association, then gave the Raue law firm the names of the 113 individual donors who had each transferred more than 100,000 euros. After checking, no other problematic donors were found.

106 donors have been immortalized with a medal on the portal. Seven wish to remain anonymous. The Raue law firm is said to have found no evidence of right-wing extremist or extremist positions in these names either.


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