the launch date of the unmanned taxi in Moscow is still unknown

The date of the launch of the unmanned taxi in Moscow will be known only after the program of the experimental legal regime has been approved. As specified in the company “Yandex” EPR is at the stage of final approval.

The Russian search engine did not confirm the information that the launch of the unmanned taxi in Moscow will take place in February. Earlier this was reported by the Vedomosti newspaper. As told in the company “Yandex” the exact timing of the launch of an unmanned taxi can not yet be called, they write RIA News

It is planned that unmanned taxis will appear near metro stations “Yasenevo”, “Novoyasenevskaya” and “Bitsevsky Park”. Those who applied in advance will be able to test the new service first. At the moment, the company has already received about 10 thousand applications. After the testing stage, everyone will be able to use the service; for this, they will simply need to call an unmanned taxi through the Yandex Go application. Passengers will board and disembark at public transport stops.

Yandex began work on self-driving cars in 2017 – the company creates its own lidars, cameras and computer systems. Self-driving cars of the company can be found on the roads of Innopolis (the satellite city of Kazan), as well as Israel and the USA.


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