The latest by Valeria La Rocca: the review by Antonella Baccaro

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

C.i are books that strike below the waist. Reading them, one wonders if it is appropriate to continue and be attacked by their demons, arriving at the last line. Or whether it is better to give up and admit that you are not yet ready to look within.

Power of literature. That’s what I thought while tackling the debut novel by Valeria La Rocca, The lastpublished by Solferinowinner of the competition, reserved for authors of first works, Lettera Futura 2021.

Aided by the expedient of a long psychoanalytic session, the protagonist of the novel tells, through a stream of consciousness, her own life experiences. Who have the extraordinary nature of being so common to all women that they can touch us in the soul.

The management of the ambivalent figure of the mother, welcoming but disabling at the same time. The difficult reconciliation with the father, whose esteem is so difficult to win.

The toxic love story and the one that appears redemptive. Female friendships, strong ones, of a lifetime. The desire for motherhood that sometimes comes only from the expectations of others.

These are stories that we have all livedwith that sense of inadequacy that always makes us feel last, guests, miraculous, grateful, devoted, grateful.

The protagonist goes through the pain by fortifying herself, and just when she thinks she can’t take it anymore, when even the comfort of her analyst fails, he discovers unexpected resources within himself, the result of a new awareness.

“The last” by Valeria La Rocca (Solferino).

In this story where the happy ending is reserved for reading between the lines of the beautiful epilogue, what matters is certainly the goal, which can change for each of us. But the stages of the journey are also validwhich often painfully bring us together.

And I want to believe that title, The lastwhich almost seems like a condemnation without appeal, is just a starting point to look at, looking back to see how far we have come to conquer a new and full sense of self.

Ps The Letter Futura 2022 competition for young beginners is still open. The unpublished works must be sent by next 1st June. All information on the site

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