The later Gordo tiptoes through Catalonia and unloads in Madrid

Although Christmas slang usually speaks of “Fat lazy people”, this year the grand prize of extraordinary Christmas giveaway has been the latest in history. Exactly at 1:16 p.m., more than four hours after the drums started rolling, the children of San Ildefonso sang – with rooster included – the raruno 88,008, a singular numerology figure that has passed almost on tiptoe through Catalonia and it has unleashed with force in Madrid.

The draw had an unusual choreography. As if the rolling of the drums were piloted by a master of ceremonies with a great sense of spectacle, the awards have been appearing in almost martial order. First a large number of fifths, fourths… and, with the suspense escalating, that Gordo who almost didn’t make it has finally appeared, with his 400,000 euros to the tenth.


In the geography of luck, Madrid –which has taken a third of the prize: close to 236 million–Jaén, Seville and Valencia The populations have been most blessed with the extraordinary prize, which, as tradition also dictates, has fallen very distributed.

From the downpour of millions, a providential drizzle has fallen on the Las Arenas shopping center in Barcelona, ​​which, at an ultra-light pace, is on its way to taking over from Sort’s Bruixa d’Or as a great prize vending machine. Victor Fernandez, At the head of administration 336 of Barcelona, ​​he has distributed 896,000 euros. A bite of El Gordo and four fifth prizes that served to present the staff with the new lottery talliman of Catalonia: a gold rock, the lottery player explained, which rests on the shop window. “Whoever can feel it says that it emits something special,” he said, giving wings to the legend.

From Badalona to Sant Vicens dels Horts

The first prize has also distributed lucky breaks in towns like Badalona, ​​where it has fallen for the first time. “88,008 may seem like an ugly number, but it has its loyal audience,” celebrated Mireia Solà, the jubilant lottery operator who has paid out 8 million euros, the largest portion of the number in Catalonia. In Sant Vicens dels Horts, her counterpart Ángeles Toro also celebrated the four million distributed, the first in a Christmas draw that came out of her window. “The neighborhood needs it,” they also said from the centenary administration of the Collblanc de L’Hospitalet neighborhood that has distributed at least one series of Gordo.

Lucky Granollers

However, the big pinch in the Christmas draw has gone to Granollers, a city in which no less than 30 million euros have fallen – the fourth prize –, half of what Catalonia has won during the day. Maybe one of the most eventful draws that are remembered – there have been everything from rebel balls to problems with the crank – has left a fourth prize in the capital of Vallès Oriental that has turned the city center upside down and especially the nearby Las Tapas bar, where the parish of regulars celebrated in style the lucky number, the 41,147. “This year, everything; the Lottery and the ham!” exclaimed the worker Francisco López, who on this lucky day had also won the bread basket.

60 million return to Catalonia of the 432 played

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Beyond Granollerslas accounts of the lottery They have not gone very well for Catalonia. Of the 432 million that the Catalans have invested in the extraordinary draw – it is the third community that has spent the most, after Madrid and Andalusia – barely 60 million have returned in prizes.

Madrid accuses less of a lottery deficit, a city that has once again taken the big win under the arm of the draw. In fact, almost a third of the jackpot has fallen in the city. Nothing less thane 236 million euros, sold mostly in the Barrio del Pilar, in a lottery administration located next to La Vaguada park. “This number is very ugly, this is mine, the one that looks the most like me,” said one of the lucky people who had left his daughter in the pool across the street and decided to buy it when he went in to “check out some of the numbers.” euromillion”. Lucky things at Christmas.
