The last operation of the “Coti” Nosiglia

For the first time, Enrique “Coti” Nosiglia he is expectant about what place he will occupy at the table of radicalism. It had been three decades since the former Minister of the Interior of Raul Alfonsin He did not have that uncertainty, but his last plays did not turn out as he expected.

Mentor of Martin Lousteau and Emilio Yacobitti, lost influence over his young bets, who move autonomously, and now he is on the way to producing an unprecedented break within the UCR: in the election of authorities of the Radical Convention at the end of the month he would vote for the candidate of Gerardo Morales, Gaston Manes -facundo’s brother-, instead of doing it for the porteño of Evolución, Hernán Rossi, an ally of Lousteau. “That is ongoing”, they warn in their environment.


Within days of his 73rd birthday, nosiglia it has some open fronts in the centenary party. “The influence is not the same as it was years ago,” warns a radical leader, who in any case claims to have an excellent relationship withn “el Coti”. Then, he cites examples: “he quarreled with Daniel Angelici through Boca, and Lousteau already has his own flight”.

In the environment of the former Minister of the Interior they assure that there are no specific disputes. And that voting against the candidate of their mentees corresponds to seeking “the proportions that correspond to the party, between capital and interior”, not to personal differences.

However, other radicals believe that there is a more important substantive decision: “He is not okay with either Macri or Larreta. He then wants to revalue radicalism so that the next president gets out of here: voting for Manes is voting for the autonomy of our space”, analyzes a leader who does not doubt that “there is an agreement” between Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and the radicals of Capital. “On the other hand, on the Manes-Morales side, they want to beat the PRO”, she completes.

Of course, despite his current short circuits, no one would dare to consider retired the “Coti”. In fact, it is common for the first reference of his co-religionists to be a personal safeguard: “I am fine with him”, “I respect him” and other considerations. Then yes, the rispideces are revealed. When in the match they asked him nosiglia what place he expected, the former Alfonsín official cut them off: “The same as always.” End of discussion.

Unlike the hard wing of the PRO, with whom they have made their differences public, “the Coti” believes that the 2023 elections do not have as their sole leitmotif confronting Kirchnerism, as happened in 2015. He repeats at each meeting that a different government alternative will have to be consolidated to face the crisis: that being a tough opposition, without proposals, does not will catch up this time. If his position prospers, there will be strong clashes with the macrismo.


Nosiglia continues to cultivate the low profile that identifies him and made him one of the most mysterious characters on the local political scene, but a few months ago he decided to put his face on television: it was at a time when the country was debating about what do with the debt to the IMF. “We are facing a dangerous situation,” he exploded when he saw that more than one political leader, from the opposition and from the ruling party, pushed for default. He believed that there were actors who were being irresponsible and that a clear position had to be established from radicalism.

But his definitions against Macri had a greater impact than the debt issue that motivated him to get out of ostracism: “Mauricio did not understand politics. I think he overestimated himself ”, he crossed it in the program of Charles Pagni. In the Nosiglia environment they confirm that since that interview, at the beginning of March, they have not spoken to the former president again. Neither did anyone from the PRO call them to recriminate their position: “They wouldn’t dare”, they challenge them.

From his historic office in Callao and Corrientes, the leader continues to operate. As a hobby he writes texts for himself and for the party. That generated interest and even the rumor that a book of anecdotes could be published that would have him as the protagonist. The idea reached his ears, but “el Coti” stopped them in their tracks: “They’re going to stay with the desire,” he warned. And he completed: “I do not plan to die yet so that they are thinking about my biography.”

Nosiglia’s position tends to dislodge the militancy for a simple reason: he never demands protagonism. His only political will was to preside over radicalism in the Federal Capital, in the ’80s, and the adventure lasted a few months: Alfonsín called him to be part of the cabinet.

Since ’89 Nosiglia has power without the need for charges. This will be another opportunity in which he will have to measure his influences. Despite the short circuits, no one doubts that he will find a place at the table. “Even today, he can make things happen. He continues to have the best agenda in the world”, they say in radicalism. Beyond the disputes, there are things that do not change.

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