The largest Dutch currency ever is for healthcare | News item

News item | 22-08-2022 | 12:32

In the presence of Minister Ernst Kuipers of Health, Welfare and Sport and a number of ambassadors from the healthcare sector, the largest Dutch coin ever made was handed over to IC nurse Maurice Veugelers of Maastricht UMC+ today. This Munt voor de Zorg has a diameter of 70 centimeters and is a tribute to all healthcare workers. The coin was made by the Royal Dutch Mint.

The coin took no less than 79 hours of work: it is the largest ever made in the Netherlands. With the largest coin in the Netherlands, healthcare workers receive due thanks for their boundless efforts during the corona pandemic. The large Munt voor de Zorg is made of aluminum and was made with the proceeds of the small variants of this coin, available in coincard. The inscription of the coin reads “Strong together in care”. Around the inscription you can see hands holding each other at the wrist, forming a circle. It reflects the cooperation and cohesion between all healthcare workers.

A tribute to all healthcare workers

The corona pandemic had a major impact on healthcare. Hospitals, GP practices, home care institutions, nursing homes and care centers were busier than ever. Yet they worked hard to continue to provide everyone with good care. And even now – in a time of staff shortages and uncertainty about the next wave – they are there for their patients every day. The largest Mint for Healthcare is therefore for all healthcare employees in the Netherlands: from surgeon to cleaner, from home care employee to nurse.

Minister Kuipers: ‘The corona pandemic has affected us all, including healthcare workers who faced major challenges with each new corona wave. In recent years, they have continued to work hard to keep as much of the regular care as possible running and at the same time to be ready for patients with COVID-19.’ Minister Kuipers spoke to a number of healthcare workers whose names are on the coin. ‘I was impressed by their stories. We really needed the care. And we will need care even more in future revival of the virus. Completely right that care is honored with this special coin. A great initiative!’

Mint for Healthcare Initiative

Maurice Veugelers worked in the intensive care unit of Maastricht UMC+ during the corona crisis. He became very enthusiastic when he saw the Italian issue of the Mint for Care. Veugelers then decided to contact the Royal Dutch Mint for a Dutch issue: ‘It is fantastic that the Royal Mint has picked up the idea of ​​a Dutch health care coin. It feels like a sign of support, not just for me and my colleagues in the hospital, but for all Dutch healthcare workers.’ The Mint for Healthcare in coincard was launched at the end of June and offered via the website of the Royal Dutch Mint. From there, the initiative arose to make a large coin as a tribute to care, with the proceeds from the coin cards. More than 7,000 copies have now been sold.
