The King ends the round of consultations today without Feijóo or Sánchez guaranteeing his investiture

Felipe VI He has a complex decision to make ahead. The king will end this Tuesday the round of consultations with the parties politicians to probe which candidate has the most support to be sworn in as president. Except for last-minute surprises, neither Pedro Sanchez nor to Alberto Núñez Feijóo They give you the numbers. Thus, the monarch must decide if he proposes any of them for an investiture session or if he gives more time to continue negotiating and calls a new round of contacts in the coming days.

At 10:30 in the morning, the leader of Vox has arrived at the Palacio de la Zarzuela, Santiago Abascal. The far-right formation, which had a run-in with the PP last Thursday during the constitution of the Cortes, has demanded that the conservatives clarify whether they closed an agreement with the GNP to keep them off the table of Congress. “These are questions that must be answered” before the consultation of abascal with Felipe VI to “confirm or not Vox’s support for the investiture in case it is commissioned,” the Vox secretary general, Ignacio Garriga, warned this Monday.

The ‘yes’ of the ultras could be added to the one they have already expressed UPN and Canarian Coalition in his audiences with the King. Thus, Feijóo, who will see the monarch at the beginning of the afternoon, could put on the table the support of 172 deputies. Although they are insufficient for the absolute majority -176 seats- they would be more than what the acting President of the Government has insured at this time.

The other option

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Sánchez will go to the Palacio de la Zarzuela at 12:00. Until now, only the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Diaz, has expressed his clear support for the PSOE leader in a hypothetical investiture. The PNV, the other formation that Sánchez should have and that has come to see the King, has asserted that his vote is not yet safe for either of the two candidates. On the other hand, ERC, Junts, EH Bildu and BNG -indispensable supports for Sánchez- have refused to meet with Felipe VI as they do not consider him a valid interlocutor.

With this panorama, the monarch must make a decision this Tuesday about which candidate he proposes. Feijóo seems willing to apply, despite this lack of support, and Sánchez has assured that he will not get in the way. The King must communicate his decision to the recently elected president of Congress, Francina Armengol, who will announce it publicly. It will also depend on her to choose the date of her full investiture.
