The Kick-off of Friday 4 March with Kelly Zeeman and Sjors Blaauw

Ajax player Kelly Zeeman and ESPN football commentator Sjors Blaauw join our talk show De Aftrap for episode 29. The Volendamse keeps the couch warm at Ajax more often than she likes. Blaauw enjoys every visit to the football stadium “like a child in a candy store”.

The title race between Ajax and PSV is discussed, as are the Overmars affair at Ajax and the sporting consequences of the war in Ukraine. What statement can you make against that as an athlete, club or association? Zeeman (28) hopes to become champions with the women of Ajax, although her role as a substitute is currently not as great as with the first national title in 2017.

Erik-Jan Brinkman chooses Amersfoort as the location for our weekly game of street foot golf. He will compete against former AZ coach John van den Brom. Of course we close with our own team FC De Aftrap where we work on the rear guard.

You can see football talk show De Aftrap every Friday at NH Sport at 5.10 pm and every hour thereafter.

Next week, former FC Volendam coach Robert Molenaar and former player Ab Plugboer will be guests. Questions and comments can be emailed to [email protected]
