The Kick-off: ‘AZ is going to win the Conference League’

AZ is working on a particularly good European campaign this season. In mid-July it started in the first preliminary round against the insignificant FK Tuzla City and may not end until the final on June 7 in Prague. Tonight Jeroen Haarsma, chief of the sports editors of the Noordhollands Dagblad, tells on TV in De Aftrap that he believes in a European triumph of AZ.

“We are making a podcast about AZ and one of the first titles at the start of this season is: ‘The AZ fans can already book a hotel room for Prague.’ We still stand by that.”

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Jeroen Haarsma about the European triumph of AZ – NH Sport/Edward Dekker

In addition to AZ in Europe, the table also discusses the letter that AZ has sent to the KNVB in which the Alkmaarders ask for an independent investigation into ‘backroom politics’ in Zeist. Should Telstar continue with striker Glynor Plet whose contract has been canceled and which of the four North Holland trainers performs best? Nick Tol, writing for De Telegraaf, thinks that Wim Jonk is ‘doing very well’ at FC Volendam in relation to the available finances.

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Nick Tol thinks Wim Jonk is doing an excellent job at FC Volendam – NH Sport/Edward Dekker

Touch the Flag

Of course, the game Touch the Flag is played again in this episode. This time Erik-Jan Brinkman challenged Fred-Luesken, former player of HFC Haarlem.

You can see it all at 17.10 / 18.10 / 19.10 etc. on TV, but you can also watch the entire broadcast of De Kick-off below.

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The kick-off of Friday 31 March with Nick Tol and Jeroen Haarsma – NH Sport/Edward Dekker

Next week are former player and former physiotherapist of Ajax Pim van Dord and trainer Job Dragtsma. guest.

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