‘The keys to the 21st century’ analyzes the last hour of the war in Ukraine on TVE’s La 1

TVE 1 broadcasts tonight, at 10:00 p.m., a new installment of ‘The keys of the 21st century’. On this occasion, the first theme of the night will be the war in ukraine. To address this issue, Javier Ruiz will have a panel of experts made up of Jorge Dezcallar, Javier Ruperez, Ana Terron and Eugene Bregolatand with a table of journalists where they will be John Carlin and Ana del Paso. They will analyze the attacks on civilians along with personal stories and stories of refugees arriving in Spain.

In addition, they will connect live with the special envoys of RTVE in the area to report on the last minute of the Russian invasion, and also with the minister counselor of the Ukrainian embassy in Madrid, Dmytro Matiuschenko.

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The second theme of the program will be the energy crisis, electricity and fuels. The panel of experts will be represented by Rubén Sánchez (Facua), Natalia Fabra, Blanca Loseda and Sara Aagesen.

‘The keys to the 21st century’ will connect live with Theresa RiveraThird Vice President and Minister of Ecological Transition, and with Julio Villaescusa, from Fenadismer. Also with a moored fishing port, a bakery and the Madrid Metro, which has increased its electricity bill and is considering raising the price of tickets or reducing frequencies.
