The key moments of the debate on the 23J elections on TV3

The Catalan candidates for the elections generals have seen their faces on Tuesday in the TV3 discussion and they have revealed the main melees of this contest with five days to go before the verdict of the polls, as well as the issues that raise the most blisters. These are the top 10 moments that have marked the dialectical exchange between Gabriel Ruffian (CKD), Meritxell Batet (PSC), Roger Montanola (PDECat – Espai CiU), Miriam Nogueras (Together), Aina Vidal (Commons), Albert Botran (CUP), Nacho Marin Blanco (PP) and Juan Jose Aizcorbe (vox).

Censorship of magazines in Catalan

Ruffian (ERC): “You (Vox) prohibit magazines with the PP. I want to give you the magazine ‘Camacuc’. It is from the Valencian Country, in Catalan, so that you can see that it is not in any way dangerous.”

Martin Blanco (PP): “Since we do the show, we do everything. Nobody is going to give me Catalan language lessons, ever.”

Gabriel Rufián has given a copy of the Valencian children’s magazine ‘Camacuc’ to the PP and Vox candidates, to denounce the decision of the City Council of Borriana -now governed by PP and Vox- of cancel the subscription to different magazines published in Catalan ‘Camacuc’, ‘Cavall Fort’, ‘El Temps’, ‘Enderrock’ and ‘Llengua Nacional’. The gesture has annoyed the PP candidate, who has returned the copy and has demanded that they not give him “lessons”. The clash took place during the first round of questions between candidates, where Nogueras (Junts) has refused to ask Azicorbe (Vox) any question, because he assures that he has nothing to ask “of a fascist party”.

The independence movement against the investiture

Nogueras (Together): “Have the political prisoners gone to prison for Rodalies? Mr. Ruffian, I propose that a president not be inaugurated if the powers to hold a referendum in Catalonia are not transferred to us.”

Ruffian (ERC): “Every time you say ‘in exchange for nothing’… Carme Forcadell is watching the debate from her home, and so is Quim Forn. We will not make a master move to invest the PP”

Botran (CUP): “With dialogue we are no closer to self-determination and amnesty. We have to put the country back where it was in 2017 and negotiate with the international community.”

The Junts candidate has challenged the ERC candidate to commit not to facilitate an investiture if it is not in exchange for a referendum. She has launched the proposal after Ruffian has regretted to have been “very lonely” in the negotiation of, for example, the pardons. The Republican has dodged a strict response and has warned that his role in Madrid also involves negotiating other issues at a social and economic level. At the same time, Rufián has repeatedly called on the CUP to explain what its “alternative” to dialogue. The pro-independence division over the role in Congress has become palpable.

The “paguita” of Martín Blanco

Martin Blanco (PP): “But four days ago you were a separatist & rdquor ;.

Montañola (PDeCat-Espai CiU): “The one who has changed parties is you. When his game has gone downhill, he has jumped the game to keep the pay.”

The past of the candidates has also focused a part of the debate on TV3. The PP candidate has reproached the PDeCat-Espai CiUwho was deputy for united, who was previously an independentist. Something that Montañola has denied, but he has decided to respond by also blaming his past in his face. Citizens. Martin White he was spokesman for the orange party in Parliament until mid-June, when he left the party after the failure of the municipal elections. Just four days later, the signing of him as number one of the PP for the 23-J elections was announced.

Protests for the times of the debate

botran (CUP): “I need to talk about language”

other: “I control the times”

botran: “I want to talk about language”.

other: “I will have to withdraw the word”

botran: “No, this can’t go like this”

At the end of the first block of the debate, which dealt with the relations between Catalonia and Spainthe candidate of the CUP He has complained about the division of time. Botran wanted to intervene to denounce the situation of Catalan and the PP and Vox censorship in Burrianabut the public television presenter, Ariadne Other, has announced that this block had ended and that it had to talk about the economy, something that Botran has refused and has denounced the operation decided by Tv3. In the block on ‘procés’, the candidate who has spoken the longest has been the PP, with more than five minutes, and the one who has done the least, the CUP, with just over two minutes. Roger Montañola, Gabriel Rufián and Aina Vidal have also joined the protest.

Airport and climate change

Martin Blanco (PP): “The expansion of the Prat airport is essential for the PP”

Vidal (Commons): “That’s climate denialism”

Batet (PSC): “Expanding the airport is compatible with the fight against climate change”

Botran (CUP): “The explicit denialism is as harmful as the implicit one of ERC with the defense of macro-projects and infrastructures that consume a lot of water like the Hard Rock.”

– Ruffian (ERC): [a Batet] “My face would fall with shame, they knock down decrees against drought”

The end of the economic block has been a pot of shackles in which various candidates stepped on each other to defend or charge against the expansion of the Prat airport, as well as the fight against climate change. Proposals in this matter have conspicuous by his absence and ERC has taken the opportunity to reproach the PSC for the Government intending to take the Constitutional drought law which was approved by Parliament.

Nogueras (Together): “When Sánchez arrived at Moncloa, he maintained the intelligence directive to end the independence movement. How long are we going to be terrorists?”

Ruffian (ERC): “Yes, that thanks to a law, that of citizen security, which was approved with a vote in favor of Convergència”

The question from the Junts candidate was initially addressed to Meritxell Batet, but the socialist leader has been inhibited. Thanks, in part, to two interruptions. The first, that of Aina Vidal, who questioned Junts to answer whether or not she was going to dedicate herself to “governing” Catalonia. And the second, that of Ruffian, who has taken advantage of two birds with one stone to remember that the gag law still in force and that it was approved by the convergents.

Irene Montero and the law of ‘only yes is yes’

– Martin Blanco (PP): [a PSC y Comuns]”They will go down in history for the disastrous law that freed rapists and pedophiles”

– Ruffian (ERC): “I feel very proud of the ‘only yes is yes’ law and Minister Montero. If they don’t [en referencia a Batet y Vidal]I will do”

– Vidal (Communal): “I am proud that consent is part of the penal code”

As was foreseeable, PP and Vox have charged against the impact of the ‘only yes is yes’ law and the government work of the Ministry of Equality. Only two people have named Irene Montero: that of Vox to point it out and that of ERC to defend it. Neither Batet has made reference to her nor Vidal, except for one moment in which he has tried to deny that she was excluded from the lists.

– Batet (PSC): [A Junts] “What are you going to block? Not voting for Pedro Sánchez is making Feijóo president. What good will your vote do?

Nogueras (Together): “Are you willing to negotiate with Junts? We have already clearly said that we will not invest Sánchez”

Related news

Vidal (Commons): [A PSC] “Appealing to the concentration of the vote is to give up these elections, it is a necessary condition that Sumar get a good result, he has to admit it”

Although the question has permeated the different blocks of the debate, in the specific one on pacts the PSC has brought out the artillery to ask Junts if his vote is going to serve or not to brake to the right in a scenario in which they are key to tipping the balance. Here the Comuns have taken the opportunity to blurt out to the Socialists that without them they will not be able to reissue the coalition government.
