The Jusos are chasing the Greens

The delegates vote at the state delegate conference of the Jusos Berlin

The delegates vote at the state delegate conference of the Jusos Berlin Photo: dpa picture radio

From Hildburg Bruns

BZ editor Hildburg Bruns comments on the Jusos’ no to a Berlin GroKo.

They built themselves up under the more than three meter high sculpture by Willy Brandt: Jusos with their NoGroKo posters.

The forerunner of social democracy led three Berlin senates in the 1950s and 1960s before moving into federal politics.

And although his party got absolute majorities in the frontline city at the time, Brandt twice entered into a GroKo with the CDU, once he brought in the FDP.

It’s funny that young Socialists today only perceive the CDU as racist and backward-looking, instead panting after the Greens and copying them.


Berlin election Berlin Senate Greens Berlin SPD Berlin
