The Junts candidate in Badalona assures that he would support a mayoralty of Albiol (PP) rather than of ERC

The candidate for mayor of badalona by together, david torrentsI would prefer to let the ex-mayor govern Xavier Garcia Albiol (PP) than to give the key to the governability of the city to the candidate of CKD, Àlex Montornès.

This was stated this Monday afternoon on the Badalona public television program, BDN360and thus it has been reaffirmed this same Wednesday May 17 before this newspaper: “Àlex Montornès is unfit to lead the city. If it depends on me, and I mean it actively and passively, if they ask me Albiol or Montornès, I say Albiol, openly“, Torrents has commented to THE NEWSPAPER.

Immediately afterwards, however, Torrents (Councilor for Social Services in the Badalona town hall, and also Secretary of Organization of Junts per Catalunya), points out that “if it’s up to me, Albiol will never be mayor“I have fought him and I will fight him,” he adds, “but, having said that, I will never enter a government that is a cast of chairs“.

The Junts councilor warns ERC that it will not be enough for him to finish second to reach the mayoralty, “he will have to sweat blood and tears“. “If Albiol is to govern, it will not be my fault, but because we will not have made the government that suits the city,” adds Torrents.

Montornès: “It tastes very bad to me”

Although reluctant to enter into the controversy, the ERC candidate, Àlex Montornèshas ended up responding to the words of Torrents: “I taste very bad that an independentista like David Torrents prefers Albiol as mayor than a Republican mayor, which would be the first Badalona would have had since 1939″. The ERC mayor has described Torrents’ statements as “totally unlucky“but he has declined to delve into the matter: “From here on, we want to continue with our positive campaign”, Montornès has settled.

Torrents: “They can’t say that they or anything”

The approach of the Junts councilor happens, in any case, because at no time will the choice be between Montornès and Albiol. Nor if the Republican candidate is second in number of votes, ahead of the PSCwho currently holds the mayoralty with Ruben Guijarro: “They [ERC] They are selling the motorcycle that the mayor’s office will have, but to have the mayor’s office you need support, and for that we have to agree on a city model. They can’t go saying that they or anything“.

The reason for Torrents’ rejection of the local section of ERC in Badalona is based on the fact that in the 18 months that the Guijarro mayor’s office has lasted, in which ERC has held the Human Resources“they have not done the job they were supposed to do, many things have not gone well and I will not continue in a government in those conditions.”

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Among other grievances, Torrents cites the lack of a director of legal servicesthe lack of head of servicesthe lack of a Head of Department wave lack of a lawyer“and who leads Human Resources is CKD“Recalls the Junts mayor. “Why does García Albiol get so many votes in this city? Well basically for him lack of control What’s up”, concludes Torrents.

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