The judge charges the alleged spy who traveled to Moscow with the head of Puigdemont’s office

On Alay’s mobile phone, who was arrested in October 2020 in the ‘Voloh operation’, conversations have been found between Alay and Dmitrenko, which the judge is investigating, about a business of selling gas or oil from one Russian company to another China (based in Hong Kong) and the maneuvers for this Russian businessman to be appointed ambassador of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, during the time of Joan Canadell, current deputy of Junts per Catalunya. Dmitrenko was denied Spanish nationality because, according to a mandatory report, “there is proven knowledge” of his “conscious work” for “the Russian intelligence servicesfrom whom he receives missions”. The resolution adds that “contacts of this individual have been detected with some of the main organized crime leaders transnational of Russian origin, for those who also carry out different tasks & rdquor ;. The businessman denies this accusation.

relationships with power

The reports of the Civil Guard incorporated into the ‘Voloh case’ relate Dmitrenko to Artem Lukoyaniuv (who founded the company AA Pluus Wealt Management, based in London), “adoptive son”, affect the agents, of Vladislav Surkov, nicknamed ‘Cardinal Grey’, an influential and mysterious former personal adviser to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, which was terminated in February last year. According to Dmitreko, Lukoyaniuv, with whom he is still in contact, is no longer his partner, but maintains a friendly relationship. The Russian businessman based in Barcelona came to introduce Lukoyaniuv to Alay in Moscow and also met him in a restaurant in Barcelona.

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Alay even explained to Puigdemont himself in July 2020, according to the messages included in the judicial process, that Dmitrenko had been chosen as ambassador of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, while describing him as “our contact with there and what do you know in geneva [sic]”. He also informs him that this election “opens up many things for us in Moscow.”

A conversation with Dmitrenko was also found on Alay’s mobile phone about a liquefied gas sales deal between a Russian and a Chinese company. Puigdemont’s office manager asked him on June 26, 2020 about this operation: “Haven’t you heard from the Chinese?” The Russian businessman replies: “Not yet.” After a few days, the Russian businessman announced that “295,000 euros had arrived” in Russia as a “guarantee payment”. Judge Aguirre considers that this sale of oil is similar to another similar one carried out by Russia in favor of a company linked to the Italian politician Matteo Salvini of the Lega Nord and that served as illegal financing for his party. In his opinion, there are indications that this business could be a cover to hide some type of irregular operation.
