The judge agrees with Sareb in the squatting of the Ruïna de la Bonanova

The magistrate of the Court of First Instance 39 of Barcelona has ruled out for now suspend the procedure for the eviction of the La Ruïna building in Bonanova squareas requested by squats before the demand of the Company for the Management of Assets Arriving from the Bank Restructuring (sareb).

The squatters’ lawyer asked to suspend the eviction procedure, alleging that the Law on urgent measures to deal with the emergency in the field of housing and energy poverty obliges large tenants to offer a social rent before an eviction, and this Wednesday in the preview for the lawsuit, the judge has dismissed suspending the procedure with this argument.

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Thus, the judicial procedure will continue its course -the next step is for the judge to issue a sentence- to resolve whether the building should be evicted or not, a decision that the two parties could appeal before it is executed.

[Habrá ampliación]
