The journey of the heroes: the 11 champions of the ’82 World Cup yesterday and today

S.40 years have passed exact from the victory din Italy ai 1982 World Cup Spain. The 11th of July of queYear round, at stadium Bernabeu in Madrid 3 to 1 against Germany crowned the Azzurri “world champions”as the famous Nando Martellini repeated in those excited moments. To celebrate the national team, Rai 1 proposes The journey of the heroes – broadcast tonight, in prime time at 21.25 -, documentary film dedicated to 11 sampleswith the unmistakable voice of Marco Giallini.

The journey dhe heroesRai 1

Victory dei World Cup din 1982 has entered history. Not just because she gave away to Italy the third world championshipallowing her to reach Brazil, the only nation to have collected until then three wins. Also because it marked the redemption of Italy from difficult years.

The journey dhe heroes reconstructs the thrill of that day with images and testimonies of who was there and who is no longer there. Memories that belong to collective memory, like the exultation of Sandro Pertinithen immortalized on the return flight while play cards with Franco Causio, Dino Zoff and Enzo Bearzot.

The Regist Manlio Castagna explains: «The unexpected victory e incredibiland for the Azzurri in Spain it was not only a great sporting feat, but above all a great moment of participation and sharing and national “. The term “unexpected” is not accidental: prhyme din the last game few had bet on the triumph dthe National of B.earzot. Under theaegis of the coach, the team recovered and earned the nickname of Brancabearzot Army.

Inside the documentary, there are the interviews with Giancarlo Antognoni, Giuseppe Bergomi, Antonio Cabrini, Bruno Conti, Claudio Gentile, Roberto Mancini, Gabriele Oriali, Gianluca Vialli and Dino Zoff. To these are added the words of Federica Cappelletti, wife of Paolo Rossi, and of Cinzia Bearzot, daughter of the CT.

The Italian national team of the 1982 World Cup, protagonist of the Rai 1 documentary “The journey of the heroes”. (Getty Images)

Who were the 11 champions?

Who were the 11 champions of Spain ’82? THE called up in Nazionaland they were 22. The final was played by: Giuseppe Bergomi, Antonio Cabrini, Fulvio Collovati, Bruno Conti, Claudio Gentile, Francesco Graziani, Gabriele Oriali, Paolo Rossi, Gaetano Scirea, Marco Tardelli And Dino Zoff.

The remaining 11 were Alessandro Altobelli, Giancarlo Antognoni, Franco Baresi, Ivano Bordon, Franco Causio, Giuseppe Dossena, Giovanni Galli, Giampiero Marini, Daniele Massaro, Franco Selvaggi and Pietro Vierchwood. Francesco Graziani was replaced in the eighth minute by Altobelli, in turn replaced by Causio in the 89th minute.

Paolo Rossi, goodbye to the hero of the '82 World Cup

Giuseppe “Beppe” Bergomi

In 1982 Beppe Bergomi was only 18 years old and took the field in the last three games. Subsequently he wore the blue jersey in other trAnd World Cup: in 1986, 1990 and 1998. Is considered one of the strongest defenders of his generation and has always worn the Inter shirt. After saying goodbye to the ball, since 2008 he has been a coach.

Beppe Bergomi yesterday and today. (Getty Images)

Antonio Cabrini

The “bell’Antonio”so nicknamed because of his physical appearance, which gave him great popularity, Antonio Cabrini is considered one of the best full backs of his generation. Born in 1957, he interrupted his football career in 1991 to become a manager. However, over the years he has also winked at entertainment world. In 2008 she participated in the sixth edition of The island of the famous and subsequently began to hang out in the television salons as columnist. Furthermore, from 2012 to 2017 he was the CT of the National women’s football team.

Antonio Cabrini yesterday and today. (Getty Imges)

Fulvio Collovati

Born in 1957 in Teor, in the province of Udine, Fulvio Collovati made his debut in the national team at the age of 21 with the role of defender. At the ’82 World Cup he participated in all matches, including the final on 11 July. His retirement came in 1993 and immediately married television. In the years has hosted several sports programs on Odeon TV and donned the role of columnist. Often, moreover, in the company of wife, Caterina Cimminoknown to most as Caterina Collovati.

Fulvio Collovati yesterday and today. (Getty Images)

Bruno Conti

Bruno Conti’s football career began in 1973 and ended in 1991. In nearly twenty years of honorable service, he has almost always worn the Roma shirtexcept to spend two seasons at Genoa. At the 1982 World Cup he highlights his skills as a midfielderthanks to which it is nicknamed MaraZico, or the synthesis of Maradona and Zico, the strongest players of those years. Furthermore, secondo Pele was the strongest footballer in the world. After retiring, he embarked on a career from traineralways in the Giallorossi team.

Bruno Conti in 1982 and today. (Getty Images)

Claudio Gentile

Born in 1953, Claudio Gentile has linked most of his career to the Juventus shirt in the role of full-back. Regarding the World Cup ’82 recalls: «We arrived without any chance. They gave us up for dead, but the field gave other verdicts», He told the microphones of Radio Mars. After retiring, in 1991 he undertakes the coaching career.

Claudio Gentile yesterday and today. (Getty / ANSA)

Francesco Graziani

Francesco Graziani is one of the 1982 champions who combined his football career with a television career. After retiring in 1988, he embarked on a coaching career, but he also became a face on the small screen. His first relevant experience came with the reality show Championsa cult that has opened the doors to the world of entertainment. She later participated in the reality show Reality Circusto Distraction and has often held the role of columnist. Also, in 1984 and 2008 she participated in films The coach in the ball, The coach in the ball 2 and fiction The Cesaroni in a cameo in which he played himself.

Francesco Graziani yesterday and today. (Getty Images)

Gabriele Oriali

“A life as a midfielder / Working as Oriali / Years of fatigue and blows and / If anything, you win the World Cup”. Who in 1982 was not yet born and cannot remember the exploits of Gabriele Oriali, has learned to know him thanks to the famous song A life as a midfielder by Ligabue. Historic player of Inter, from 1970 to 1983, ended his career in 1987 with Fiorentina. After the retirement, he inaugurated a career as a sports executive and television commentator.

Gabriele Oriali yesterday and today. (Getty Images)

Paolo Rossi

World Champion, Ballon d’Or, holder of the Italian scoring record at the World Cup together with Baggio and Vieri, Paolo Rossi was one of the strongest Italian footballers ever. In the ’82 World Cup final he scored the first of the three goals that gave Italy victory, earning the consecration of an entire nation. Among the important meetings of his career, the one with Bearzotwhich in Pablito he had seen more than just a footballer.

In 2011 he wore the shoes of dancer in the talent show of Rai 1 dancing with the Stars. He died in 2020 at the age of 64 from lung cancer.

Paolo Rossi at the 1982 World Cup. (Getty Images)

Gaetano Scirea

Scirea is one of the players who have made the history of Italian football, not only for his skill, but also for the correctness demonstrated on the pitch.. After two seasons at Atalanta, he tied his name to Juventusuntil 1988. The following year, during a trip to Polandthe car in which he was traveling caught fire following an accident and for the player there was nothing to do. A tragic event that marked the history of football and delivered the exploits of Scirea to the collective memory.

Gaetano Scirea at the 1982 World Cup. (Getty Images)

Marco Tardelli

Author of the second goal of the ’82 World Cup final, Marco Tardelli is one of the protagonists of The journey of the heroes. In the 1980s he was considered one of the strongest footballers of that period and had earned the nickname Sketch. After retiring in 1988, he worked as a sports commentator. Since 2016 he has been linked to the presenter de The air that pulls Myrta Merlino.

Dino Zoff

At the 1982 World Cup, Dino Zoff was 40 years old. Although he was at the end of his career (he retired the following year), his indisputable skills as a goalkeeper made him conquer the unbeaten world record for national teams. Furthermore, has won the Ballon d’Or several times. After hanging up his shoes, he goes to the other side of the fence and starts training Juventus goalkeepers. The definitive retirement comes in 2005.

