the Japanese method to dry clothes inside the home without humidity

11/04/2023 at 23:59


Dries clothes in no time and makes the ironing process easier and faster

The coldest season is approaching and, like every year, the problem of laundry arises: how to dry it if it is raining outside? We all fear news price increases in gas and electricity bills, so you have to save as much as possible when using the dryer! Let’s see what the Japanese have come up with this time.

As for inventiveness, We know that the Land of the Rising Sun is an inexhaustible source of it. Few people know, for example, that the Walkmans used to listen to cassette tapes in the 90s are a Japanese invention. CDs, DVDs and Blue-Rays are also manufactured in Japan, but also lithium-ion batteries.

The Japanese love to find a solution to any practical problem, and have done so to dry clothes when the hot sun doesn’t help. In fact, The dryer is a very valuable appliance for housewives, but not only. It dries clothes in a jiffy and makes the ironing process quicker and easier.

If on rainy days we limit ourselves to hanging our clothes on the clothesline at home, we run the risk of taking more than a day to dry all the laundry with the risk of it picking up bad odors. Let us also not calculate the risk of humidity and the consequent possibility of mold forming on the walls., especially if the house is not well insulated. But then, how do the Japanese do it? We explain everything to you!

Izumi Onuki, our Japanese drying guru, also recommends hanging towels with pegs on the longer side placed horizontally. In fact, drying starts at the top, so hanging the towels this way will reduce the time considerably.

What causes mold on walls?

Moisture could be one of the causes, but it can be solved. It is best to know how to deal with humidity in the home, in the walls and wood, or even forever. This is because it is precisely humidity that creates mold, in fact the latter is a consequence of the water vapor that is produced.

Mold arises when the outside temperature differs from that inside the home. It is formed in succession to condensation. Breathing mold in the bedroom every night is not good because you could get poisoning. Therefore, it is not only necessary to repeat the treatment every year, but also to try to permanently prevent it from reforming.

Removing mold from walls without ruining the paint is essential. Vinegar and warm water are needed to remove it. Half a liter of the first must be diluted with a liter of water. With a cloth moistened with the freshly made mixture, rub it over the surface. Another way is to prepare an anti-mold preparation.

This can be done by combining plain water with hydrogen peroxide, salt and baking soda. By putting the liquid and compound mixture in a spray bottle, you can treat the wall. Cleaning, washing and treating the wall is a job that must be done every year.
