The Jack the Ripper suit cut

The party that the people from ‘Salvame’ (T5) have organized to honor themselves in their latest program is part of the norm. Everyone apparently excited, signs like ‘save me is eternal‘ either ‘save me is freedom‘, many videos of ‘best moments’ of the program and above all a particular tribute to JJVazquezthe leader of this troop, who curiously declined to participate.

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More than the sentimental excitement of a group before the last death rattle of a program, what is meditable is the noise that they have managed to cause. One of the labels that appeared on the screen, highlighted with enormous devotion, was this phrase attributed to Paolo Vasilethe head of Mediaset Spain for more than 25 years and who was the master’s personal ‘consigliere’ Berlusconi. She said the catchphrase: «In the future, ‘Save me’ will be studied». In other words, an attempt at transcendentality. in fact his own Vasile he did not wait for that future to elevate the ‘pastiche’ he made every afternoon to a category. It created a web of ‘hooligans’ on social networks – it later expanded to some more conventional media – surely all pensioners, who began to develop a literature, a kind of analytical ‘corpus’, with the pretense of studying ‘Save me’ as if it were a milestone in the history of humanity, similar to the discovery of the light bulb or the law of the lever. Now, before the last program, the pathetic story has been enlarged. Pure freedom, they removed the corset from TV, crazy genius, creators of television ‘suspense’, an absolutely original formula, an enormous plurality… These are some of the praises that are being dedicated to them. What is praised above all is what they call ‘the format’. That is to say, the postures, the ‘props’, the fridge, the interviews in the toilet… Ah! That will piss them off a lot. That is as if analyzing Jack the Ripper What was remarkable, what was interesting, was the cut of the suit that he wore when he proceeded to dismember the personnel. In short, the attention to the closure of ‘Salvame’ has been extraordinary.

This week there has also been another closure (it was explained by the ‘TN’ of TV-3), that of the accredited spinning company Gütermann, from Santa Maria de Palautordera. Almost 70 people, on the street. These families have not received much attention at the state telehippodrome. Is what I do demagoguery? It is the sad exercise of comparing what the television focus highlights, and what seems of little importance to them.
