The island of the famous 2023, semifinal: nominations and advances

Lisland of the famous 2023 back on air tonight at 21.30 live on Channel 5 with the semifinal. A special programming, necessary after last Monday’s postponement, due to the death of Silvio Berlusconi, which changed the entire schedule. The final will be broadcast on Monday 19 June.

Ilary Blasi, sparkling on the

The island of the famous 2023semifinal: previews of the ninth episode

The penultimate appointment with the reality show hosted by Ilary Blasi, flanked by commentators Vladimir Luxuria and Enrico Papi, puts the castaways to the test. In addition to undergoing the various games coordinated by correspondent Alvin, will be faced with important choices. Among all, the first finalist Pamela Camassawhich will be able to change its destiny in Cayos Cochinos.

During the semifinal a surprise is foreseen for Marco Mazzoli, thanks to the complicity of the associates of the Zoo of 105Paolo Noise and Fabio Alisei. The latter flew to Honduras in recent days and is ready to embrace his colleague again.

The contestants in nominations and the first finalist

There are 9 castaways ready to compete for the title of winner of theisland of the famous 2023. It’s about Nathaly Caldonazzo, Pamela Camassa, Alessandra Drusian, Andrea Lo Cicero, Marco Mazzoli, Helena Prestes, Gian Maria Sainato, Cristina Scuccia and Luca Vetrone. To the televoting – open from Monday 5 June – there are Gian Maria and Helena.

One of the two will therefore be forced to say goodbye to the reality show one step away from the final. The reality show began in April. Since, the cast consisted of 18 contestantsi in everything. Between eliminated and withdrawnto date the appeal is missing: Simone Antolini, Fiore Argento, Alessandro Cecchi Paone, Corinne Cléry, Christopher Leoni, Claudia Motta, Paolo Noise, Marco Predolin and Fabio Ricci.

“The Island of the Famous 2023”, Helena Prestes. (IPA)

Helena against everyone, everyone against Helena

The island of the famous 2023 it was characterized by the clashes between the castaways, in particular with one: Helena Prestes. The Brazilian model she immediately stood out with her direct and sometimes aggressive personality. An attitude that pays off to the extent that it appeals to the public, but which transforms coexistence with the rest of the group into an impossible undertaking.

After two months of constant bickering, there has been an attempt at reconciliation in recent days. Helena tried to get close to her fellow adventurersso as to put a stop to all the quarrels and recriminations. Mazzoli advised her not to force thingsbut the rest of the group continues to criticize her.

In particular, Alessandra and Cristina, now at loggerheads with Helena. There is bad blood between this and Drusian and it was also seen live. In connection with Ilary Blasi, criticisms that were anything but veiled were spared. Cristina, after an initial harmony, over time has moved away. Yesterday, the two were the protagonist of a heated argument, at the end of which Prestes ruled: «You have nothing more of a nun. The nun is dead, you are not even in the heart. In front of the cameras is a person. When there is no camera, another».

Ilary Blasi in the studio of the reality show “The island of famous 2023”. (Mediaset)

Pamela confronted Andrea Lo Cicero and both are of the same opinion: Helena is not suitable for being in a group. For its part, Helena suffers from not being acceptedsays she is tired of the constant clashes and underlines that she has no intention of fueling tensions. Change of strategy in view of the final?

It doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t take much to inflame spirits. A new quarrel breaks out between Prestes and Luca, who accuses her of being in search of visibility. Gian Maria, however, continues to show doubts about the history of the model with Carlo Motta.

Cristina Scuccia, in the cast of the “Island of the Famous 2023”. (IPA)

The island of the famous 2023the contestants candidates for victory

Helena Prestes isn’t the only castaway to have captured the public’s attention. Another competitor of her caliber is Nathaly Caldonazzo. Direct, hard and smoking, he experienced many moments of tension and a few moments of quiet. After her stay on the island of Sant’Elena she returned with the rest of the group, but coexistence continued on and off.

Pamela, on the other hand, stood out for knowing how to unleash her claws when necessary, and so did Alessandra Drusian. Then, there is Cristina Scuccia. The former nun made a comeback when she announced that she had left the habit. The island of the famous 2023 represents a rebirthmaybe even on a sentimental level. Indeed, after the initial silence, revealed that he has a secret love in Spain, to which he has wanted to send a romantic message in recent days. «Hi love, I’m almost at the end of this experience. I can not wait to see you again”he said.

In the end, Marco Mazzoli. The speaker was the funny soul of Cayos Cochinos thanks to the adventure partner Paolo Noisebut also the one who he knew how to mediate and resolve conflicts. Andrea Lo Cicero, Gian Maria Sainato and Luca Vetrone complete the squad vying for victory. Who will get a place for the coveted final?

