the interview with Armani Beauty| iO Woman

Per Matilde Gioli, celebrate the birthday in Venice is now a good luck charm: «Compio thirty-four years. from ten, on 2 September I find myself in this magical context, the Film Exhibition. It fills me with joy because it means that my job has been giving me wonderful things to do for quite some time» the actress tells us, Armani Beauty ambassadors, make-up sponsor of the event. Not just a face on the red carpet, Matilde is also the co-protagonist of the new spot by Armani Yes Eau de Parfum Intensethe last olfactory chapter of the fragrance that has become an icon, indeed, the mantra of the maison, alongside Cate Blanchett and to the new generation of muses (from Sadie Sink to Eugenia Silva and Greta Ferro) of multifaceted beauty. “Yes to new beginnings, yes to freedom, yes to love, yes to myself, yes to passion, yes to life”, they recite. The same ones that Matilde is experiencing, and she tells us about.

First of all, congratulations!

“Thank you. I am very well, in general it is a happy and relaxed year, I am in a period of evolution and maturation got to a good point. I am very forward-looking, I confess that I am already looking at 40, rather than 35! Among the many “yes” that punctuate the commercial of the new fragrance, I say “yes to love”: here, today i’m here with AlexanderMarcuccithe riding instructor to whom she has been linked for about a year, brother and my sister. I am very happy to take them to discover pieces of my busy world, of which they are all strangers. I love sharing with those I love».

Matilde Gioli, Armani Beauty ambassador, backstage at the Venice Film Festival 2023 (Photo: Maddalena Petrosino).

With Armani Beauty it is now a long love…

“Since many years Armani Beauty is my “yes” to makeup. In life I’m a soap and water soul, it’s hard to see me wearing makeup, especially by myself. With the professionals of the maison I gradually learned a lot, first of all, a really appreciate me. I often rely on makeup artist Nicoletta Pinna: every time I leave her carte blanche, it amuses me to see what magic is created on my face. For this Venetian red carpet we focused on one intense but very luminous smokey eye (thanks to the eyeshadows Eye Tint n.10, sparkling chocolate and n.11, rose gold – ed), black pencil to edge the lashes and mascara Eccentric. And her eyes shine, protagonists, in contrast with the mouth left pink nude (dressed in lipstick Lip Power Matte 104 Selfless, ed.)».

Matilde Gioli at Armani Beauty make-up (Photo: Davide Gallizio for Armani Beauty)

Are you an “eye woman”, then?

“Not necessarily. I know that they are my strong pointBut I’m not very good at DIY. If I have to do it alone, I prefer to focus on the lips: a swipe of lipstick Lip power and I feel sophisticated at any occasion. However, I learned an inexperienced-proof trick: blend a bit of pencil to break the eyelashes, which means not in the waterline and not even below, simply between the lashes. Despite my laziness and poor dexterity, it is enough to intensify the eye with a trick that exists, but remains minimal and sophisticated».

Matilde Gioli at the Venice Film Festival 2023. Make up Armani Beauty (Photo: Davide Gallizio for Armani Beauty)

How do you see and live your image that is transformed with make-up?

«I state that make me make upboth on set and on special occasions like Venice, is a moment of absolute relaxation, I love to trust and be pampered. Here, in this sense for me beauty is a gift and I am very grateful for it. That will be why usually before the red carpets I’m almost never agitatedindeed, it is often me who has to calm down the others… I am scorpio ascendant virgorational but sensitive, I capture the energies».

Is liking yourself a question of “yes”?

«Own, said to themselves, not others or hear from others. Over the years I have worked a lot on my interior life, most of all on the front of personal, social and emotional relationships, not so much from an aesthetic point of view which I have always lived in a rather relaxed way. Every now and again I look at my photos and see my imperfect smilethe silhouette that I’ve never dieted and I say to myself, “Yes, that’s okay, that’s okay”».

Matilde Gioli at the Venice Film Festival 2023. Make up Armani Beauty (Photo: Davide Gallizio for Armani Beauty)

How do you get to say yes even to your insecurities?

«On special occasions such as red carpets, it often happens to see girls who seem to experience the exposure of their image with tension, some with tangible anxiety. Being strict with yourself shines through, it doesn’t hide. I try to communicate a realistic and very natural approach to glamour of this world, which, in fact, is a wonderful story: there’s a crazy trick, there are very good photographers, it takes hours of preparation, exceptional beauty products. i love i Armani Beauty foundationMatilda wears Luminous Silk Foundationed. – for this reason: they do not cover, they never artificially filter the skin.

I tell you that to appear so sophisticated, there is an accurate construction. And that this is not necessarily the everyday standard. Unfortunately, however, especially the younger girls of gen Z and Alpha, even smaller, are bombarded by hyper-filtered models and calibrate other expectations. It is a theme on which, at the dawn of my almost 35 years, I feel powerless».

Matilde Gioli at the Venice Film Festival 2023. Armani Beauty Make-up (Photo Maddalena Petrosino)

What will you say yes to in your near future?

«At my work: I am halfway through filming the third season of Doc – In your hands. It’s a good 16 episodes, they’re taking us about eight months of work. The TV series is always a great challenge, it keeps me in constant training: many scenes are shot a day, you need a lot of memory, there are so many things to learn. And it gives me mental and organizational order.

Matilde Gioli and Maria Di Biase: our Valentine's Day and the madness of love

Then, I’ll say yes to plans B, to the good things I like after work: I’m getting a riding license. I am ready to reinvent myself and it doesn’t scare me to imagine myself doing something very different tomorrow. This is variable work, one has to live with the knowledge that you may no longer like or interest them. Here you are, a big yes, in life, is the goal of making yourself interesting for yourself, by yourself, with yourself».

