The International Exhibition of Orientation is back

dtwo days with free admission, at the service of students, professionals, managers and those who have not yet chosen their own path: the International Orientation Exhibition it’s Saturday 4 in Milan, at the Allianz Cloud Arena from 9 to 17.30, while the 11th is in Rome, at Palazzo Capranica, from 9 to 18. Promoted by EF, its partners include Infojobs, Manageritalia, the Cervantes Institute, the IED and LUISS.

The poster of the International Guidance Exhibition in Milan. On 11 February it will be Rome’s turn.

The calendar of meetings and activities is packed: the workshops will discuss Italian school education and its comparison with international education, international certifications (what they are, who they are for and what for), but also what choice to make after graduation, between university, work and gap year and how to spend the summer between travelling, language courses and technologies. As far as work is concerned, opportunities abroad will be discussed, how to discover one’s passion and turn it into a profession, how to write a CV and how to hold a job interview, even with personalized advice. There will also be meetings on the professions of the future and how to become a CEO at 25with the testimony of those who succeeded.

Participants will be able to test themselves through simulations of selection interviewstake free tests in English, French, German and Spanish and obtain an EF certificate, but also discover the secrets of the new social media and the Metaverse up close.

Finally, to lighten the you can take part in free make-up sessions and, in Milan, follow the Urania Basket match. You can also leave your CV in order to be selected for a job in EF.

