The installation of ‘design’ terraces on the road gain momentum in Barcelona

  • After months of delay in processing the licenses, the definitive platforms begin to gain ground and relieve the ugly provisional concrete assemblies. Almost a hundred have been placed and there are 310 in production

The forecasts of Barcelona’s town hall of having relieved at the end of summer the ugly terraces Provisional measures installed on the road in an extraordinary way during the pandemic by others of ‘design’ are far from having been fulfilled. The New Jersey barriers continue to be installed everywhere in many neighborhoods due to the administrative slowness and the complexity in resolving the almost 2,800 requests of consolidation (including those of sidewalk). But the encouraging news for the restaurant sector is that this month the operation seems to have gained momentum: so far there are almost a hundred approved platforms installed and another 310 are already in the manufacturing process. The 404 means a total of 1,500 tables. The employer hopes that the first quarter of 2023 the substitution can be completed.

It should be remembered that last September barely thirty had been installed, as reported by this newspaper. The traffic jam was due to several circumstances, starting with the delays in processing definitive licenses and the massive denial of applications, with seven out of ten being knocked down for different reasons, and the consequent avalanche of resources. In addition, its manufacture once the four authorized companies receive the order takes between four and six weeks. As if that were not enough, costs have grown to an average of 2,500 to 2,700 euros per table, without counting the planters, which is not within the reach of all operators or with subsidies.

But Guild of Restoration of Barcelona He wanted to stage this Thursday the advance of the relays. In situ, on a terrace in Poble Sec, he has updated the data and shown the installation process. The New Jerseys and the provisional pivots, gray and yellow, are disappearing to make way for the approved structures made with wood, metal or concrete depending on the manufacturing company. For its director, Roger Pallarols, he explained that the number of installations will increase substantially in the coming weeks, to the extent that the procedures are completed, as planned in a few weeks.

Featured Districts

The employers are “satisfied” with this acceleration and especially highlight the case of Sants-Montjuïc, with 29 already installed and 49 under construction, a district where, due to the narrowness of many sidewalks, many establishments had historically not been able to count on a nightstand. Also noteworthy is the case of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, with a total of 71. In volume (with a total of 100) they exceed the Eixample, although percentage-wise they mean less given the large number of businesses and terraces that bring together this district due to its size and centrality. At the bottom are Sant Andreu, Horta-Guinardó, Nou Barris and, closing the list, Ciutat Vella with only two, a district where practically all requests are denied.

As for tables, most of those approved so far consist of three tables (131), followed by those of four (118), those of two (65), those of five (32) and those of six (46).

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Pallarols has highlighted that after the summer most of the districts have “intensified” the procedures of files and granting of licenses and has demanded that the council keep up the pace to reach the end of the process in the city as soon as possible.

The representative of the employers’ association has also announced that they will formally ask the town hall for a new call for grants to reach the three million euros (extendable to 4.5) agreed. The deadline ended last May but, apparently, “many restorers mistakenly believed” that before requesting the aid they had to obtain the license. In this way, they did not request it and the game did not run out.
