The ingenious insight of a Diili competitor gives the team a jackpot: The advisers get confused

In the upcoming episode of Diil, Ate’s brilliant idea will be praised by both fellow contestants and advisors. BEWARE OF PLOT REVEALS!

In the upcoming Diili episode, Atte (second right) receives wild praise for his performance. Four

Atte ends up in the limelight in Diili, when the teams task is to sell as many breakfasts as possible. Breakfast snacks are available both in the form of tangible treats and in the form of tickets.

While the task was already in progress, it occurred to Atelle that there is an electrical wholesaler nearby that she knows, whose branches offer breakfast. Atte saw this as an opportunity to sell a large number of breakfast tickets.

Enthusiastic about the idea, Atte took it one step at a time.

– We went to the place and of course they were enthusiastic about it, so we got the whole köntä (breakfast tickets) to go there at once, Atte repeats the events in the episode.

Ate’s actions confuse all the competitors and later also the advisers. The management team praises Ate’s work profusely.

– This was a textbook example of when two concepts meet. When they meet, it’s like a movie, Toni Lähde praises Ate’s performance.

Deal on Mondays at Nelose at 9 p.m. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
