The incredible physical change of Belén Esteban that will leave you speechless

08/25/2023 at 20:43


Many people highlight the natural beauty of Belén Esteban at that time

bethlehem esteban is experiencing one of its most different summers to date. After the cancellation of Save mehas worked on the recording of a reality show for Netflix and after this, he has gone on vacation with no confirmed return date. It is evident that this movement has not gone down well with mediasetwhich is in the doldrums as far as audiences are concerned.

The collaborators and workers of Save me they ran into an uncertain future at work, but bethlehem esteban She has taken the opportunity to look back and introduce us to what she was like 23 years ago now. Her physical change is brutal, something that you can see for yourself through her Instagram, and many users have been left open-mouthed when they saw how she looked like what she called People’s Princess in its television beginnings.

With more than 1 million followers on this popular social network, this face of the gossip writes: “the truth is that it was a sweetie. I still am, but chubby and tasty. Here is the patron“.

In little more than 9 hours, it accumulates more than 20,000 likes, proving once again bethlehem esteban who has nothing to envy to the best influencers in our country. Do you also think that Belén Esteban was a real hottie as she says?
