The impact of drug crime in pictures | News item

News item | 15-12-2023 | 17:16

Organized drug crime affects our entire society. Criminal gangs import and export drugs, produce all kinds of hard drugs in the Netherlands and sell them on. The cocaine and synthetic drugs are often sent abroad and some of them go to users in our country.

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Image: Photographer Marco van der Caaij

Criminals don’t care about a safe residential area, the destructive effect of drug waste in a forest and have no regard for human life. Anyone who dies during drug production or a shooting is unlucky. The drug trade is not gentle and this is clearly visible in the photo book ‘Under the influence – The impact of drug crime’.

If you look closely, you will see that there are many people who suffer from it. Because behind those drugs lies a world of misery and violence. The photos in this book make the impact of drug crime on daily life tangible.

The government is investing heavily in the fight against organized and subversive crime. It requires patience and tenacity from the entire society. A lot of attention is paid to prevention and preventing young boys from developing into major criminals. The focus is on disrupting the drug networks that try to abuse our open economy and good infrastructure. This involves dismantling criminal power structures and punishing criminals. But above all, protecting our free society and the guardians of our rule of law, such as mayors, judges, prosecutors, police officers, lawyers and journalists, who are threatened by criminals.

Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius of Justice and Security: “Our way of life is brutally attacked by drug criminals. We can’t let them win.”
