The Ikea sofa that folds and turns into a bag

Tmoving is tiring, moving furniture from one part of the house to another equally, but Artificial Intelligence seems to be able to help solve this problem too. Surely helped IKEA to create a decidedly innovative piece of furniture that could revolutionize the interior furniture market.


The Ikea sofa that folds and becomes an envelope

The Swedish company has entitled the new project “Sofa in an Envelope” and it is basically a new sofa that can be transformed into a bag and transport without too much difficulty, despite still weighing around 10 kilos. But compared to raising a normal bed, the difference is definitely impactful.

Artificial Intelligence at the service of the furniture of the future

The creation comes directly from the researchers of SPACE10, an independent research and design laboratory with which Ikea experiments with the furniture of the future and, in fact, Couch in an Envelope it was designed thanks to artificial intelligence and is environmentally sustainable: the frame would be built in aluminum while the coverings would be in cellulose and mycelium foam, a material that is produced from mushrooms. The conditional is needed because the couch is still project-level.

The team in charge of the project wanted to test the capabilities of artificial intelligence in the context of furniture creation (credit @SPACE10)

The limits of the new technology

The team in charge of the project wanted to test the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence in the context of furniture creation and the designers asked the new technology to create images of new sofas that are lighter and easier to transport.

But here they collided with one of the limits of the brainiac, that is, the design of something that does not existwhich is still impossible to do since these software are in fact based on already existing things.

The Ikea sofa is still a dream

In any case, unfortunately, this “Sofa in an envelope” it is not a product intended for IKEA stores, and for now it will remain only a beautiful dream. Indeed, the project aims to launch debates on the place of AI in the creation of the interiors of the future. For the time being, we’ll have to settle for the existing models, even if they weigh a ton.

