The Hondsrug remains Unesco Global Geopark: ‘Wonderful recognition’

The Hondsrug will retain the status of Unesco Global Geopark for the next four years. It is the only geological heritage in the Netherlands.

In a Geopark, conservation of the landscape, education and sustainable development are central. This is tested every four years by UNESCO. The evaluation committee of the Global Geoparks Network last visited in October last year, resulting in a positive assessment.

“This is a wonderful recognition for all professionals and volunteers who are committed to preserving the unique historical character of this area”, says deputy Nelleke Vedelaar. “It underlines that we can be very proud of this special story in our daily living environment.”

The Drenthe geopark, between Coevorden and Groningen, is a geologically, ecologically and culturally rich and unique area that arose 150,000 years ago. Since 2013, the Hondsrug has been the only UNESCO geopark in the Netherlands. In 2018, UNESCO already extended that status for four years.

Around 2000, four European areas with a unique geological and cultural history took the initiative for the Geopark network. These were the Eifel in Germany, the island of Lesvos in Greece, the Haute Provence in France and the Maestrazgo in southeastern Spain. There are now more than 160 Geoparks worldwide.
