The Home Alone actor had a tumor removed from his mouth

Ken Hudson Campbell, known from the movie Home Alone, underwent cancer surgery. According to the daughter, the actor is doing really well.

Ken Hudson Campbell in 2019. PDO

American actress Ken Hudson Campbell, 61, has been battling oral cancer. Campbell is remembered, among other things, for the movie Home Alone, where he played Santa Claus.

News site TMZ says that the actor has now had a tumor removed that had spread to his mouth.

Daughter of an actor Michaela said that her father underwent surgery Thursday morning, and the entire procedure went without a hitch. The family was able to see him later that evening.

According to TMZ, the actor has not yet returned home, but will recover in the intensive care unit for a few more days, after which he will be transferred to regular hospital care. However, Campbell is awake and doing really well. Recovery from surgery takes about six weeks.

The Home Alone star was diagnosed with cancer last October after a tumor had appeared on the bottom of her mouth. According to Michaela, the tumor had started to spread to her teeth.

Campbell still has to undergo revision surgery, radiation therapy, and possibly chemotherapy.

In addition to the movie Home Alone, Campbell is known for the movie Armageddon, among others.
