The hi-tech that completes the holiday. What to pack

C.i are: it’s time to think about holidays, relaxation, evenings with friends … And the suitcase. Cross and delight of any trip, the time to pack your bags is often a source of stress. Will we have brought it all? What will we forget? What is certain is that an ever larger space will be given to technology. Smartphone, actioncam, smartwatch, eReader and so on and so forth.

Fortunately it comes to increasingly compact, lightweight and multifunctional devices, so we will not need a dedicated suitcase, but we are less and less willing to give up our favorite technological gadgets, even on vacation.

From the fitness tracker to keep track of our workouts at wireless earphones to follow some mindfulness sessions in complete privacy, give portable speaker for pool parties until new anti-mosquito device to keep annoying insects away. Without forgetting the portable plate for last minute tweaks andeReader to immerse yourself in your favorite readings.

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Holidays: more and more hi-tech and low-touch

But technology is increasingly the protagonist of travel and holidays, even in a broad sense. According to new research conducted by Oracle Hospitality and Skift, 95% of people plan a trip in the next few months – and 29% plan to go on an ‘epic, revenge’ trip after a tough time. But many want delete as much as possible the ‘contact’ element which characterizes the travel industry as we have always known it.

Nearly three quarters (73%) of travelers want to use their smartphone to manage their hotel experience, for example for check-in and check-out, to pay, to order food and more. This is good news for hoteliers who are currently focusing on technology to make up for the shortage of staff without affecting customer satisfaction and service.

The comforts of home even on vacation

Whether it’s ordering room service or access Netflix, people want to enjoy the comfort and relaxation of home even when they travel; and here too technology plays a key role.

45% of respondents state that being able to access the hotel a on-demand entertainment services, connecting to their account for video streaming or online gaming is the main ‘must have’ for their stay. In parallel, 45% of hoteliers also said that this type of entertainment setting is the innovation they are most likely to adopt by 2025.

77% of guests would like to use automatic messaging or chatbot for service requests, 43% would like to use voice controls for everything related to the room (lights, curtains, door locks etc.) and 25% would like control solutions in the room that automatically adjust the temperature, lighting and even the type of digital print decoration (such as digital paintings) based on preferences communicated before arrival at the hotel.

Technology: more and more a means to express oneself

Often criticized because it can be alienating or risky especially for the little ones, without technology many of the innovations we now benefit from automatically would not be possible. Not only. The new technologies they are no longer just a support that can improve the quality of life and carry out everyday activities more easily and smarter, but they are also the tool with which Italians feel they can express their identity.

The new reveals it Trend Radar from Samsungdeveloped in collaboration with Human Highway – market research institute specializing in the analysis of changes in human relations produced by technologies and digital – with which the company has explored the role of new technologies in self-expression.

A surprising result emerges: almost 9 out of 10 Italians – 88% of the sample – are convinced that technology helps to express themselves. 1 out of 3 Italians even considers technology a very important factor in the expression of their individuality: real Tech Lovers, who represent the most relevant segment in this survey.

On the podium smartphone and smartwatch

The smartphone it is undoubtedly the tool that most of all helps to better express one’s identity, precisely because of its characteristics that make it the companion of any activity: 61% of the interviewees declared it, and in particular 65% of the female sample. And especially the camera the most important feature in this sense: taking and sharing photographs, always of the highest quality thanks to the latest technological innovations, is the most important aspect for self-expression for over half of the sample (59.5%), followed by the use of apps (43, 8%), listening to music playlists (32.9%), creating videos (29.2%) and playing games (24.4%).

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With about 23% of the total sample preferences, the smartwatch is of particular interest to the male segment (25.9%), especially in the Millennial age group (37.9%). The device does not stand out so much for its design, but above all for aspects related to monitoring one’s own health and personalization of sports training.

