The heat will intensify even more next week in Catalonia

The Canicula has come to stay. Next week we will live a chapter of intense heat which will make it more similar to the pure summer of the months of July and August than to the typical temperatures of mid-May, with between 3 to 10ºC above the average for these dates.

Especially significant will be the heights that can be reached in areas of the interior of Lleida and Tarragona (where breaking some monthly historical records is not ruled out) and in counties of the Central Catalonia as is the case of Bages and Anoia. The forecast for these territories is that the 30ºC and it is not ruled out to stand out until the 35ºC in provincial capitals such as Lleida.

This heat wave, derived from a stable anticyclonic situation, will be extensive to the entire Catalan territory, although in a more moderate way. Thus, throughout the area of coast it is expected that in the middle of the week the maximums will be between 25 and 28ºCin it Pre-coastal even reaching 30ºCand in the Pyrenees will be a constant that the thermometer widely exceeds 20ºC.

The anticyclone present throughout the week will keep the clear skies and the sun presiding, at least, until Thursday, although some mists maritime that affect the coastline. As of Friday, there is the possibility that the cloudiness will increase and the temperatures will be somewhat slowed down, still remaining above the usual ones for these dates.

The heat comes sooner

lleida recorded last Tuesday May 10his first day of the year in which he reached 30ºC Of temperature. The data, which taken separately is not particularly remarkable -in 2021 it is a milestone it happened on May 8 and in 2020 on May 4-, but when added to the set of recent years it indicates a palpable trend at the history: the heat is becoming more intense and progresses in time, blurring the seasonal cycle traditional.

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In the 1970s, the level of 30ºC was a milestone that thermometers only reached between the end of May and the beginning of June. And since then this achievement has been progressing in the calendar, accelerating even more with the arrival of the 21st century until it has led to the current situation in which we can see how, so far this decade, the first days of May are already the which brings us the notification of reaching 30ºC.

And it is that climate change and the global warming it has a direct impact on temperatures: the transition between the season of coldest temperatures and the most extreme is, each time, more abrupt, causing the temporary lapse between them of mild temperatures to be reduced.
