The health system in intensive care

Various media have exposed the difficulties facing the system, from its financing, the professional actors, and even the institutions that compose it. However, the Judicial Power and the Legislative Power must also be included, since both find a common denominator: the financing of the system itself.

We live in a country that aspires to have a universal and supportive health system, but associated costs to new technologies, medicines and expansion of coverage not commensurate with available resources for care according to current regulations. As a result, it is the citizens who foot the bill through increases in their out-of-pocket spending. The medical bonus and the delays in care appointments have become commonplace, while the lack of professionals in the social work booklets and the lack of compliance with the rights established in the rules and regulations further aggravate the situation. .

Of a total of 288, only 44 national obras sociales are in a position to comply with the regulations and benefits of the PMO (Mandatory Medical Plan). And of the total number of private medicine companies (654) that remain registered with the control body of the Superintendence of Social Security (SSS) under the National Ministry of Health, only 21 hold 89% of the affiliated beneficiaries.

This information expresses, among other things, the process of concentration of the system in few institutions, putting the rest in a situation of non-sustainability in the short and medium term: 6 out of 10 affiliates cannot sustain the price of the fees and seek changes to cheaper plans, or changes of companies, especially in the companies that lead the ranking , due to its high prices for individuals or family groups.

The professional collegiate entities express drops in the lists of their associates for attention of social and prepaid works by 15%. the CGT, expresses a lack of financing of hundreds of billions by 2023. As part of the SMEs in the prepaid, I would add that the difficulties that our companies face are not the same as those faced by large companies and corporations.

There is a common agenda without a doubt, but in our cases, with lower scales in price and volume of associates or affiliates, a specific special one is demanded of us, which we must address collectively as a sector. Access to special prices for new technologies, medicines, IT tools and services, more and better operational management of our companies to be more efficient and sustainable.

In SMEs, we will not resolve just by adjusting prices that are constantly updated, but with great effort, attention and professionalism in cost management. There are proposals from all sectors, in most there are coincidences on how to approach it, it is necessary that the State and each of the actors that make up the so-called world of Health let’s form a consensus table peremptorily, with enough time to avoid that these difficulties and crises that we are witnessing are not even more complex, and put at risk a constitutional right such as the health of Argentines.

Mario Koltan is President of Boreal Health

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