The head of the cabinet is in a room that can be heard from: the beautiful course of Gwendolyn Rutten | Rutten follows Somers op as Flemish minister

The verrassing van de dag kwam uit politieke hoek. Gwendolyn Rutten follows Bart Somers op as Flemish minister, but she has not yet had her hair decided against national politics. Maar hoe is this Open Vld-coryfee erin geslaagd om het zo verte schoppen? A portrait.

Rutten was born on June 26, 1975 in the light of day in Hasselt, and he was born in Brabantse Aarschot as the daughter of one of the standards. When he was a politician in Rutten Rondwaarden, he had the Geërfd van Haar Grootvader Albert the years long Burgemeester was in the Limburgse Kessenich. Zelf kreeg Rutten de politieke microbe past te pakken aan de KU Leuven, waar ze rights en international politiek studeerde.

The first stages in the national political party’s background were those of Rutten in 1999. He was well on his way to the Open World, with the installation of a couple-large regulation of the Almacht of the toenmalige CVP and broken by Guy Verhofstadt for the first time A prime minister wants to take action. Rutten went on the shoe of partijvoorzitter Karel De Gucht aan de slag op het hoofdkwartier, which according to insiders met a strong impression.

Cabinet chief

For a role in the schijnwerpers was the real thing. Rutten was shot in 2002 with the hair of his eyes in the European setting, which was only two years old in the Constitutional Commission of the European Parliament and at the same time a year in the European privacy policy for work. Three years later we brought the other side of the Wetstraat, but it was also brought to the French level. He went to work as head of the cabinet with ministers Fientje Moerman and Dirk Van Mechelen.

In the meantime, Rutten has also become active in politics. In 2006, the local area was sold in Aarschot. Nationaal trad Rutten voor het eerst op het voorplan in 2009, toen ze als politiek onbeschreven blad bij de partijvoorzittersverkiezingen the duel fighting with two weights Alexander De Croo and Marino Keulen. The Croo won the bankruptcy in a year later after taking on the slabakkende onderhandelingen over BHV and the staatshervorming de stekker uit de federale regering trekking.

60 percent

Electoral let the better spurs na, want Open Vld slikte with a score of 14 percent in a black lower laag. The hoogdagen of pairs-groen were a different memory. For Rutten he was a personal operator. We would like to post in the camera first. In 2012, we heard about the open world on the agenda, which Rutten was able to see in the sea. Integendeel, with the steun of the party top Haalde Rutten het with up to 60 percent from outsider Egbert Lachaert.

This was for the first time Annemie Neyts was born in 1985 and was the head of the French liberals. The opdracht van Rutten was niet min: hair authority vestigen en a partij herenigen the traditioneel geen tekort heeft aan ambitieuze en eigengereide persoonlijkheden. Inhoudelijk serves ze also a new, fresh boodschap te bring the partij opnieuw aantrekkelijk to maken voor de kiezer. Rutten wrote about his optimism that he was based on the open world in 2014 in the neighborhood with the slogan “Going into the future”. Rutten, who wants to go to the French level, also wants to stop in the electoral process. In the room there was a message from the party.

Exit Turtleboom

Hair tour de force kwam real na de verkiezingen, toen Rutten haar “één en ondeelbare partij” tot verrassing van velen zowel in de federale als de Vlaamse regering kon loodsen. The liberals were still not needed in Vlaanderen, but there was no need for them. The file on the blue family can be profiled in the regering. In 2016, Rutten took part in the Juk van de Turteltaks te ontdoen en hair Viceminister-President Annemie Turtelboom after the uitgang te begeleiden. The hinderde hair is not even later met with 89 percent of the stemming herverkozen te was used as partijvoorzitter.

Beginning in 2017, Rutten had a seat in the French Parliament and was fully on board with the party. The preparation of the local districts of 2018 will take place on a round-the-clock basis in all local areas. In my own Aarschot, we were in 2013 in the schepencollege zat, leverde de stembusgang haar de burgemeesterssjerp op. Rutten droomde he also al luidop van om de eerste vrouwelijke premier van België te, maar de verkiezingen van 2019 draaiden uit op een black nederlaag . The French level board was open to the rear in the French Liberal Chamber and the worst result was the PVV in 1977.

Stoel aan het sway

Zo also went to the position of Rutten as a partijvoorzitter onvermijdelijk aan het wankelen. In Brussel there is no local afdeling de marsorders van Rutten and trad het zonder de Franstalige partners van MR toe tot de gewestregering. In Vlaanderen there are hair critics Luidop and more right-wing bodies and new local residents. On thanks to the internal drum schoof Rutten called Open Vld opnieuw aan de onderhandelingstafel voor de vorming van a new Vlaamse regering with N-VA en CD&V.

In the 2020 year, he will be in the new districts, so he will be a candidate for more than a year. Egbert Lachaert followed the hair on the top of the party.

Nitrogen debate

Rutten went as a Vlaams Parliamentslid zetelen and read on the other opinions in the stikstofdebat, which was so critical to the regering. Ze nam het onder meer op voor de boerderij van de Abdij van Averbode, die met sluiting will be necessary.

In October 2023, he will be appointed as Minister of Justice by Vincent Van Quickenborne. The job went to Paul Van Tigchelt. Rutten kondigde daarop aan zich niet meer verkiesbaar te will positions op aen national lijst. In a long post on social media, we write that we are treated with respect. Rutten is gone and has two children.

“It was never good anyway”: Noël Slangen answered 5 important questions about the employment of Gwendolyn Rutten (+)

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