“The guy’s a piece of scum!”

Douwe Bob gets verbal caning from Yvonne Coldeweijer. According to the juice diva, the singer is a ‘piece of scum’. “Your child is not an attraction and certainly not a revenue model,” she sneered.


It is still one of Yvonne Coldeweijer’s most controversial scoops ever: Douwe Bob who turned out to have impregnated three women in quick succession. The singer is still regularly asked in interviews about his opinion of the juice queen and he always says that he wishes her a lot of love.

Guess what!

Yvonne now shares on her juice channel an update on the singer. “Douwe only visited his first daughter after one year. He said in an interview that he had to get used to the situation and that he had reneged. Well, guess what?! He has not seen Ziggy since December 2022, while he is more than welcome! He himself chooses not to come by.”

Why? It would have to do with a content deal. “Douwe Bob is therefore busy making a documentary about his life, in other words about how he interacts with his three children. We are now familiar with the phenomenon; first having a secret and after my expose make a paid documentary about it on Videoland. yawn.”

Film baby

Douwe wants to involve all his children in this, Yvonne knows. “Now Douwe Bob contacted Ziggy’s mother a few months ago to ask if they could film the child for the documentary. Of course the mother does not want this. Understandable. Her child is not an attraction and certainly not a revenue model.”

Yvonne thinks it’s unprecedented. “That you also dare to ask when you have only visited your daughter once. What do you think? He is like that pissed that the mother doesn’t want it, that he never said anything after that… Nice and nice those sanctimonious interviews, where he supposedly wants to do better but ‘it doesn’t work’”, she says, but according to her there is nothing wrong with it.

Piece of gear

What Douwe says in all those interviews is a lie, Yvonne believes. “He is always welcome, but then he can leave the camera crew at home. And that is exactly not interesting for Douwe Bob at all!”

A tough accusation to his address, of course, but according to Yvonne it is completely correct. She is disgusted with him. “That guy is no good. That’s not good at all. That is a piece of scum,” she adds in her podcast The Juice Show. “O How terrible. Oh well, those poor kids…”

Loose hands

What does Yvonne think of Douwe always portraying her as someone who has no love in her life? “He always pretends it doesn’t really interest him, that it doesn’t affect him, but he is always working on it and, for example, sends a lawyer to me.”

A lawyer? “I wanted to say that he has a little loose hands, right? Then I got a lawyer. That was last year. Then I wanted to say that he has loose hands with his girlfriend.”

Douwe has not yet responded to Yvonne’s latest accusations against him.
