The Gulbergen estate should become a large city park for the entire Brainport region

The Gulbergen estate on the border of Geldrop-Mierlo and Nuenen should become a large regional park where people can exercise, recreate and enjoy nature. This is what the 21 municipalities in the Eindhoven Metropolitan Region (MRE) want. And the entire project on and around the former landfill should not cost the municipalities a cent. “The reactions from the region are very positive,” says Frank van der Meijden, the political leader of the project.

The 21 municipalities in the region bought the former waste mountain and the surrounding land back from waste company Attero three years ago for more than 17 million euros. Last year, those involved were given the opportunity to think about what should be done with the site of no less than 325 hectares.

“The entire project must be budget neutral,” Laarbeek Mayor Van der Meijden emphasizes once again. This means that all the money invested must also be earned back.

Need for housing and greenery
It is expected that approximately 70,000 jobs will be created in the region by 2040. A lot of houses and residential towers need to be built, so according to Van der Meijden there is also a great need for a large regional park. “You can build a lot, but the balance has to be right. There is also a need for greenery.”

But in principle, green yields little or no money. However, the purchase price of 17 million euros, plus the millions of euros further needed for development, must be recouped. Quite a task, but Van der Meijden is hopeful. “We hope to be able to pay part of the costs with subsidies from the government and the province.”

Different wishes
The mayor continues: “We are also calling on the business community to help pay. And perhaps we will have to build somewhere to ultimately reach zero.” A possible expansion of Dierenrijk is also an option to raise extra money.

A number of ideas have already been devised for the further development of the park. There are plans for a theater-like setting for small-scale events and a catering business at the foot of the former landfill, between the Eindhoven Canal and ‘the Dak van Brabant’. There must also be room on the south side of the estate for the golf club and Dierenrijk.

At the top of the park, north of the railway, there should be more space for water. There are also plans for sustainable agriculture, a nature gate and a meeting place. This could, for example, be a farm shop with terraces. In the coming months we will examine whether all these plans are financially feasible.

Other options for the estate were eliminated
The 21 municipalities also had research into whether there were other options for the estate. For example, house construction, the construction of a large forest, a holiday park or the generation of energy were considered. But those plans generated too little support or raised too little money.

The municipal councils of the 21 municipalities in the MRE still have to agree to the plans. A final decision should be made by the end of next year.
